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"Bonjour, Monsieur Carlton."

"Bonjour, what's so interesting on the screen?"

"Oh, the night watchers left us a note, Mrs. N'Diayé left at 2 AM."

Um, she didn't even finish at midnight, thought Gregory.

"And now we're watching the N'Diayé show."

Gregory leaned over, intrigued; the video showed Xenia dancing like someone possessed by the devil.

"Is there no sound?" Gregory asked.

"Nope, but I can tell from the choreography it's Tina Turner Proud Mary."

"Eh, is there a copy of this?"

"No, sir, it has a 24-hour run, and if there's nothing to report, the video gets erased," Mr. Sheck answered.

"Why don't you report this?"

"Because there's no policy behind working late or dancing the office," Patrick replied.

"Poor girl, I thought she wouldn't need to do all this over time like at the beginning."

Gregory turned to face Mr. Sheck, "what do you mean?"

Keita scratched his head, "well, when Xenia arrived, there was stiff competition, and since she isn't a tender girl, she decided to prove her worth with work alone. Mrs. N' diayé has given serious hours to this company, only to have the position she desired given to someone else."



Gregory turned to find Cassie standing behind him with a curious stare.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jensen."

"Oh, please call me Cassie."

"Just a moment, please, Cassie," Gregory said. He smiled at her and turned back to the security guards.

"Eh, Mr. Sheck, please transfer the video to Mr. Wendon's office, and," Gregory lowered his voice bending to the security guard's lobe, "please, don't show anyone else."

"Oui, Monsieur."

"A problem?" Cassie asked when Gregory turned his attention back to her.

"Nothing, I can't fix."

They both swiped their badges and walked to the elevators.

"How's this first week going?"


"Oh, because of I--."

Cassie talked, but Gregory's focus was elsewhere.

Xenia stayed late at work; of course, the woman refused to do overtime since she lived in Astoria; this explained her results.

What intrigued Gregory was Xenia could work from home if she wanted. Then he hit him; she probably didn't desire the company to be aware of her relationship with Anya Fernster by connecting her home IP address.

What was left was her lateness, but even that Gregory accused the all-nighters, she pulled off.

On the 18th floor, Cassie was surprised not to see Gregory step out.

"Where are you going?" The redhead yelled as the doors closed.

"To see Director Everett."

A wave of panic struck Cassie. Did Gregory find out something suspicious in Astoria?

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