Chapter 37 - Edited Once

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I sat there in silence, waiting for Matthew to speak. He got the nerves to make me stay here all hungry!

"So..." I started wanting him to spell a word. Anything.

"So, Ariel," He began.

"Finally," I sighed.

"How have you been?" He asked, and then I lost it.

"Oh, for the love of God, just stop stalling and tell me why in the world you decided to make this wonderful idea of kidnapping me come true. What do you what form me?" I was fuming with anger and did not think about anything else.

"Who feisty, calm down. I'll talk," he replied, putting his hand on my knee. I removed it and leaned back in my chair, away from him.

"I'm all ears," I said, then crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows. Wow, I look like mom when she's angry.

He ran his hand through his black hair. "Ariel, when I cured you... I realized that I loved you deeply and still do." He admitted, and I froze. Straight to the point, alright.

"As a daughter, right?" I was hoping his answer would be yes, and we would live happily ever after, but we were in the real world.

He shook his head. "No, as a girl, as a woman," he said, and I almost gagged. Okay, time for me to get serious.

"I was a minor back then. I was still a child, you psycho!" I yelled, then stood up and started heading towards the door, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. "Let go," I demanded harshly.

"I love you, Ariel. I want you. I want you to have my kids, to build a future together with them, to grow old together, to die together," he ranted desperately, and I felt sick to my core.

I arched my eyebrows. "You sick fool, the only thing I want to build a future with is Oreos and to die beside my beloved husband, not a psycho like you!" I replied with a glare. I hope Jaxon is the husband.

Seriously Ariel?

Not the best time for building fantasies.

"Oh no, you are going to sit with me alone. I'll make you happy right this instant. You just have to remove your clothes and say please," Matthew whispered in my ear, which sent shivers down my spine. Not in a good way. But in a creepy, scary... No, frightening way.

"Okay, that's it, I'm outta here!" I pulled my hand from his by force and hissed at the pain. Well, that will leave a bruise.

As I was about to open the door, he put his hands on both sides, trapping me between them. My mind was yelling 'danger,' and my body was screaming ′move it,′ but his hands were saying ′no way.′ He leaned closer, and his face was inches away from mine. He wanted to kiss me, but like hell I would allow it. I hit his chin with my forehead. "Let go of me!" This time I yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping for the boys to come. Hoping for Jaxon to hear me.

"You are paying for this honey," he threatened with greeted teeth. His veins were popping, and it was an ugly sight. I was going to yell again, but he threw me to the floor like a sack of potatoes. What the hell?

My back was throbbing with pain, but I was not that fragile. "Help!" I screamed, but he smirked and got on top of me. Straddling me underneath him. He got closer to my ear, and I felt his stinky breaths. "Even if the boys came, they wouldn't help you. They owe me," he replied, and I felt like crying.

Suddenly, I heard loud footsteps. "Are you sure about that?" I asked with a grin when the door was wide open to reveal my boys. My man.

"Get off of her!" Jaxon yelled at him, grabbed his shirt, and lifted him with one hand. Wow, that seems effortless. Nah, he's just strong. Super strong... I love it. Seriously, Ariel, you need to prioritize your thoughts a bit.

"What are you doing, Jaxon? You still owe me," Matthew said, but then Jaxon tossed him to the other side of the room. Away from me. Aaron and Noah came to me and helped me stand.

"No! We don't. You said to kidnap her, and we did. You said to stay with her until you came and saw her, and we did. So as of this moment, we don't owe you anything," Owen explained with an angry glare.

"Get out of here before I call my men. I was in a good mood with Ariel, right, honey?" Matthew asked me, and I gagged.

"Yeah, right, you bastard. Like hell it was a good mood. Maybe for you, but for me, I would rather get killed than stay with you for another second," I countered in disgust. Jaxon did his magic and started striking him, sending punches and kicks. Matthew was groaning with pain, and I was satisfied.

After Matthew lay on the floor without moving, just opening his eyes and breathing heavily, Jaxon came closer and embraced me. "I'm sorry," he whispered, and I felt like a stray tear made its way to my lips. He leaned down and kissed my lips slowly.

After we broke the kiss, I looked at the boys with a small smile. "Let's get out of here," I told them, and they nodded. As I stepped out of the door, Matthew's hoarse voice cut us from going any further.

"So you prefer Jaxon? He's the husband that you were talking about? I will not allow it. Never. If I do not have you, I'm going to kill you with him." Matthew yelled and pointed a gun at me. My eyes widened, and I froze in my spot.

When he pulled the trigger, I felt like time had stopped.


Hola amigos ♕

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