Chapter 36 - Edited Once

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It had been a week since my encounter with Matthew, and he did not show up. "Ariel, come here quick," I heard Noah yell from downstairs. Ugh, can't he wait until... I don't know... I'm wide awake?

It was seven, and I slept late last night while watching movies with Jaxon.

"What do you want?" I yelled back, putting the pillow on my face. A minute passed, and my bedroom door burst open. I jumped from the surprise and fell to the floor.

"As much I'd love to laugh at you right now, you have to come with us now!" Owen ordered, and I got the chills. I looked at the boys; they were all frustrated and kinda panicking.


"The boss is coming in about ten minutes," Jaxon cleared, and my eyes widened. I rose from the floor and to my wardrobe.

"Crap, I need to get into the basement and fast. Couldn't you wake me earlier, you idiots?" I screamed, did not know what to do.

I just grabbed a white hoodie and black jeans. "He just called. Now hurry," Aaron replied, and I nodded. I entered the bathroom, did my morning routine and fast.

"Okay, let's go," I said after I put on my shoes.

"You have to act like we didn't give you any attention and were cruel to you, got it?" Jaxon pointed out as we entered the basement, and I nodded.

"Turn on the lights," Noah requested Owen, and a couple of seconds later, the lights were on.

"Okay now, sit here and don't move. We will come back, probably with him," Jaxon whispered as he kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, I won't let him harm you." He reassured me with his bright smile. I nodded with a sigh, and the boys got out of the room after they gave me warm hugs.

"What should I do now? They said he will be here soon, but I don't want to die of boredom." I said to myself. Sometimes, I think I'm crazy.

Okay, I needed to scan the basement for something that could help me in case doctor Matthew decided to kill me or something. I looked around and saw a baseball pat. Excellent, it will do.



While waiting for the boss to come, I got a message from him telling me he was outside. "Boys, he's here," I announced, and they nodded. I walked to the main door and opened it to see him standing alone.

"Hello boys, where is she?" he asked in a not-so-nice tone. He better work on that tone of his before I kill him.

"In the basement," Answered Noah, with a slight glare that the boss did not seem to notice.

"I can't wait to see her again, my love," he cleared, and we all froze. My love... what the actual fuck?

I looked at the boys and saw them looking at me with shocked eyes. He better not lay a finger on her. She was mine. She was my love. I was hers. "Aren't you going to take me there?" Ryder asked

"Um, yeah," I muttered, then walked towards the basement with him behind me. Owen opened the door to see her sitting on a chair with crossed legs. I sent her a look that she should be careful, and I was pretty sure she understood because she nodded her head a little.

"Hello, Ariel," Ryder said, but she did not greet him back, and I smirked. He sighed, then grabbed a chair a sat across from her.

"Boys, you can leave now," he said, and I panicked for a second.

"Why?" I managed to ask in a firm tone.

"Because I need to talk to her in private. Alone." He replied and saw the boys motioning for me to follow them. Before I left, I mouthed to Ariel that everything would be okay.

"We need to do something." Aaron was the first one to speak. I thought about what we should do, then it clicked.

"Now, we basically don't owe him a favor because we did what he wanted," I said, and they were lost.

"Meaning?" Noah said.

"I mean, we can talk to her parents," I pointed out, and their eyes went wide. "Guys, we all know that he's not planning on letting her go anytime soon, and he loves her to the point of kidnapping her. That means he's a psychopath. He can do anything to her, which I will not allow." They nodded in agreement.

"Okay," they said, and I grabbed my phone.


Davin (Ariel's older brother)

We were sitting in the kitchen, and we were worked up. We didn't sleep well for almost three months. "Davin honey, please eat your breakfast. You need it," mom said, and I nodded.

As I was about to put the spoon in my mouth, my phone rang. I dropped the spoon, which caused Dad, mom, and Hunter to look at me carefully. I grabbed my phone from the counter and looked at the caller ID. It was unknown. "Unknown ID," I stated, and Hunter nudged me to answer it, and I did. I put it on speaker. "Hello," I said and waited.

"Hey, Um, I'm Jaxon," he said quietly, like he was whispering. Is he not supposed to make that call?

"What happened to my sister?"

"Nothing... Yet. I called for that reason. Do you know doctor Matthew Ryder?" he asked, and I thought for a second about it, then it hit me like a truck.

"Yes," I answered and looked at my family and saw them shocked.

"How do you know him?" Hunter asked in a loud tone that sounded like he was yelling.

"Well, here's the thing... He's our boss, we just found out, and he is not planning well. He said Ariel was his love, and we concluded that he's a psychopath who's in love with her to the point of ordering us to kidnap her. I don't feel safe with him and cannot trust him with her. She's too precious to be with him," he explained, and we were dumbfounded by him.

Why would he tell us all that? Can I trust him?

"And for that reason, I'm gonna send you our location so you can come, but don't come alone, get police back up," he advised, and I saw the hope of seeing my bluer rise again.

"Okay, I don't know what to say," I replied. I was bewildered. "So, where are you now?" dad asked him.

"New York."

"What? What do you mean, New York?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. They were not even in the country. Our police department was useless.

"Honey, calm down. Take a deep breath." Mom rubbed my back, and I breathed slowly.

"Sorry, send me the location, and we will be there as soon as possible," I replied. Well, Jaxon is helping us, and it's not his fault.


"That son of a b-" before I could continue my sentence, my mom interrupted me.

"Language," she warned with raised eyebrows. I heard chuckles at the end of the phone, and Jaxon said: "Like mother like daughter. Ariel does that a lot."

We smiled at that. Our Ariel. "Bye," I said and put the phone down. "Let's get ready. We are going to New York. Mom, you stay here with Adrian," I explained, and they all nodded.

We are coming to get you, Ariel.


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