Chapter 2 - Edited Once

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I woke up to the sound of music blasting through my ears. It was not loud or low. It was perfect for my senses. I did not open my eyes. I kept them closed to enjoy my happy and relaxing time.

I started humming the lyrics, but suddenly, I heard some chuckles. Male chuckles, to be more precise. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes. Then, I opened my weary eyes to see three pairs of eyes staring right at me. I did not know what to do, so I stared back at them for a very long time, and they did not utter a single word.

I looked around, shocked, then realized I was in a moving car and lying on the three hot guys' laps. I thought I was in my room, sleeping with Adrian!

I had to say something, but nothing came out of my throat. It was like the words were stuck inside of me. After a minute or two of complete silence, I pulled myself together and breathed deeply. "What's up?" I finally asked after taking a good look at all of them, and they were freaking handsome.

Yeah, I should have been worried about the whole situation and why I was here. Hell... I should've been freaking out, but come on, they were good-looking.

"Nothing much." The one with the cute, charming smile replied. His features were hidden behind his glasses, yet I managed to take a small glimpse of his eyes' color. They were dark blue and small. He was the cute type.

While I was about to sit like a normal person, I fell off their laps and landed on the car floor. I got stuck between their long legs and the two front seats. I was sandwiched like a helpless puppy who had just been adopted by a family with bigger puppies or even dogs.

"Let me help you," the one with the freckles and brown eyes offered to help but me, as Ariel Lee O'Connor, the stubborn one, had to say this and humiliate herself.

"No, I'm good down here," I replied with a big smile. They looked at each other and shook their heads in defeat.

We stayed in this silent treatment for more than 15 minutes until the driver spoke up, which I had not noticed until now. Stupid, Ariel. You thought the car was flying or something?

"Aren't you afraid or something?" the driver asked with a questioning expression. I raised my head and looked at him while still lying on the cold car floor.

Damn, he was very handsome with hazel to green eyes that reflected his mood. Mood? Really Ariel?

The tiny tattoo that he had on one arm was fantastic. It gave him the 'I'm dangerous' vibes.I've always wanted a small tattoo on my wrist, but my brothers wouldn't let me-wait... isn't he cold or something? We are in December, and it's freezing outside, and he's wearing a sleeveless t-shirt.

I looked at the empty seat and saw a black leather jacket. The driver cleared his throat, glanced at me for a second, then looked back at the road. "Oh yeah, sorry! I dozed off... What did you ask?" I felt ashamed, like a little kid who drew on a white wall with a permanent red marker.

The driver sighed. "I asked, aren't you afraid of us?" he asked again, looking pissed. Geez, calm down. Somebody forgot to take their chilling pills this morning.

"Why should I? I mean, you kidnapped me; yes, from my own house; yes, from my little fluff bear; yes, but if you really wanted to hurt me, you would have done so already, am I right?" I looked up at the boys and saw them staring at me. They were dumbfounded by my bluntness.

They probably thought I was crazy or hit my head when I was born.

"Are you crazy?" they yelled. See?

They asked in unison like some quadruplet's telepathy or something like that, and it was creepy, to tell you the least.

"No!" I answered them, then put my head on the car floor. "Now, excuse me, I have a dream to continue. Good night. Wake me up when we reach-" I thought for a second, then raised my head. "Where are we going again?"

"New York," the one with a cute baby face and pale green eyes -probably the youngest- answered me. New York?Not bad. Wait!

"New York? But we are in Canada. How are we going to get there?" I pointed out with arched eyebrows.

"With a plane," the one with the charming smile replied in a duh tone, thinking like it was so obvious.

Bush, whaaat? Yes, it was obvious! Why I'm an idiot person at night? Oh, right, maybe because of my lack of sleep.

"One last thing before I sleep... Does my family know?" I asked while yawning. They looked at me with sympathy. "We left a message saying that you got kidnapped. Happy?" The freckled guy replied, and I nodded, then I was out in my dreamland.

I felt a hand shaking me, but I didn't care. I was having a tea party with the queen and enjoying it. "Hey, hey, wake up. Now!" The voice did not shut up. "Mmm." I was getting annoyed by every second that passed. "Come on, wake up. We are going to be late." The voice cleared but in a louder tone that made me wide awake.

"What?" I asked while rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. "We are here. You said to wake you up." The tattoo guy replied with a sigh. He looked so annoyed, but it was his problem, not mine.

"Oh right, sorry," I apologized with a sarcastic tone. I got up and then looked at the three boys staring at me with beautiful, dazzling eyes. "Why haven't you gotten out of the car yet?" I asked. Confused.

"Well, we don't know! Maybe, just maybe, because you were sleeping on our legs the whole damn time." The guy with the charming smile pointed out. Oh yes! I mentally face palmed myself.

"Come on, get up." Tattoo guy ordered, and I got out of the car to see that we were in an airport. I was seriously getting kidnapped...Yeah, no shit Sherlock.

While we were walking to the entrance, the charming smile asked. "I've been meaning to ask you. What's a fluff bear?"

I looked at him and then started laughing. "Fluff bear, my dear kidnapper, is a cute little boy known as my three-year-old brother, Adrian. Do you remember him, the one you separated me from while kidnapping me? You didn't hurt him, right?" I asked with a serious tone this time. Because if they laid their hands on a single hair of his, I swear, they were so dead.

I looked at them and sent them the death glare I rarely used. "So, did you hurt him?" I asked again with wide eyes urging them to answer.

"No, of course not! Who could hurt that cute innocent kid or any other innocent child?" The one with the baby face replied while shaking his head rapidly. With his small action and reply, I felt calm.

I didn't care if they hurt me, but if they touched one of my family, especially Adrian, I would kill them with my small hands.

"I know, right? He's so cute and adorable," I exclaimed with a smile. They all nodded in agreement then we went to the plane.


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