Day 1

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Now usually a girl would jump through hoops in order to have two men pining for her affection.  I would too, if only those men weren't werewolves.  It was only Day 1, and already I'm ready to pull my hair out.

After that awkward three-way hug, I complained about how hungry I was.  That prompted both Vincent and Jason to rush into the kitchen and start concocting stuff I assume was meant to be breakfast.  Vincent attempted to make me some eggs and bacon, but he accidentally burnt the bacon and there were some shells left in the eggs.  Jason...well, I don't know what he tried to make.  It looked too gross to even poke my fork in.

The both of them stared at me, eager faces on as they set their food down in front of me.  My gaze alternated between them and their crappy food.  Eventually I just stood up and grabbed a bowl of Cheerios, which tasted a little stale.  So I guess all three of us suck at food.

After that, I wanted to take a shower.  I could see both the looks on Vincent's and Jason's face, as both of them went from being eager, to turned on, to jealous.

"With who?" they both asked at the same time.

My jaw must have hit the floor as I stared at them in disbelief.  "What do you mean 'with who'?" I cried out, throwing my hands up in the air.

Jason smiled for a brief moment. "Nora," he cooed, "your safety is very important to me.  I just want to be around to make sure you're alright at all times."

Vincent rolled his eyes.  "Mate," he said in a flat voice.  "I've already seen you naked.  So you can trust me to be the one with you in there."  When did he see me naked? Oh yea, he scented me when I was asleep, so he probably caught a few peeps.

"Like in the actual tub? Or just the bathroom?" I questioned.

Vincent's smile grew this time.  "The tub of course."

Jason looked like he was calculating something over in his mind for a second or two.  "I'll be just fine being in the bathroom," he said.  "I won't even look.  I'll be perfectly fine just being in the same room as you."

Well, it would be nice not to have my naked form looked at.  It's not that impressive, but still, I don't want to show it off!

"Fine," I huffed.  "C'mon Jason, I choose you for the shower crap."

Jason jumped out of the chair, his face alight with zeal.  He turned to Vincent.  "Suck it!" he laughed.

Vincent just responded with a low growl.  He even shot me a look of betrayal, like I was wrong.

Jason, not even noticing the look Vincent gave me, grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs into the bathroom.  I couldn't help but think about how awkward it would be for Vincent: having his mate take a shower with another man in the room, in his own house.  I felt my own smile creep up onto my face at that thought.  Yeah, maybe I was being a little mean, but whatever.

As soon as we were in the bathroom, Jason slammed the door shut and locked it.  He then took a standing position in the corner, facing away from me.

"There you go Nora," he said.  "I promise I won't look at you."

He better not.  I jumped into the bathtub with my clothes on.  I shut the glass door, glad that there was some limestone on there so that my body wouldn't be clearly visible to the grown man in here.

"So," I wondered, "how old are you anyway?"  I stripped off my clothes, throwing them over the gap between the door and the ceiling.  I then started the water on the shower, making it a little extra hot to steam up the glass door faster in case Jason let his hormones get the best of him.

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