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Vincent's POV

As soon as I carried my mate into my house, which would eventually become our house, I gently placed her on the couch in the living room.  I figured she could watch TV and be comfortable while I'm away at work.  However as soon as I set her down, I felt an instantaneous pang of loneliness in my core.

"I'll be back as soon as the school day ends," I promised her.

She simply nodded, not looking at me.

Stifling a whimper, I slumped my shoulders and left the house, making sure to lock the door on my way out.

I had to figure out a way to get Nora to accept me as her mate.  Surely she should know that I'm the best choice for her, as I'm the only man capable to love her at the level I do.

All I have to do is find out what makes her happy.

The whole drive to the high school I went over in my mind about how I would win over my precious mate and get her to love me at least a fraction of how much I love her.  When I pulled up to the school parking lot, some of the human girls glanced my way, their eyes filling up with lust.

I snarled at them, telling them that I'm taken.

They took the hint and immediately turned their gaze to the ground.  I fought the smirk that was coming to play on my face.  If only Nora had seen this.  Then she'd know how dedicated I am to her.

I walked inside the school, heading towards the locker rooms to get my lesson plans for my first day as PE coach.  Looking over my class assignments and students, my heart began to beat excitedly as I realized that Nora would be in my last class of the day.

This is perfect!  Now I can just hang out with her for the last school hour and then drive home with her, spending a majority of the day next to her.

After that moment of pure bliss, the day went on rather uneventful.  I introduced myself as Coach Abin to all my students and just had them run a mile; well the human classes ran a mile.  The werewolves had to run five.  When the last class of the day crawled to me, I frowned.  This was supposed to be time spent with my mate, yet she's at home because she can't stand to be around me.

The students filed outside to the field where they knew they'd have to run the mile, as this was a human class.  I went up to them, after making sure that I had this period's roll call roster.  "Hello class," I called in an automatic voice, "I'm your new PE teacher, Coach Abin.  Today, we're going to run the mile, and make sure you get it done under twenty minutes..."

I trailed off when the scent of minty gum filled my nostrils.  It was similar to the scent of my mate.  In fact, it was the same scent of my mate, almost as if she were here.  However, the scent was faint enough that I knew she wasn't really here.  Instead she must have been in contact with one of these students in the near past.

I deeply inhaled, walking towards my class, who stood dumbstruck, waiting for instructions.  The scent led me to the back of the group of teens, to a tall girl with bright red hair.  She looked at me with a confused gaze.  My Nora's scent was on her, like they were friends or something.

"You," I said to her, "what's your name?"

"Jessie Saunders," the girl murmured, obviously thinking she was in trouble.

"Stay behind," I ordered, an idea forming in my mind.  I turned to the rest of the class.  "Start running!"

The class took off, leaving just me and this nervous Jessie girl behind.

"You smell like Nora," I stated, explaining why I had approached her.

Understanding lit up Jessie's face.  "Oh!  You're the wolf that claimed her as his mate.  You're Victor."

To Escape a Possessive MateWhere stories live. Discover now