Pool Party, Pt. 1

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I have no idea when the last time was that I woke up as peacefully as I am now.  The sunlight poured into the room through the window that I faced, gently bringing me out of my unconsciousness.  My head didn't feel heavy when I lifted it up, yet I felt like the covers were extra heavy, keeping me close to the warm mattress.  That didn't bother me.  I rested my head back down on the soft, warm pillow.

I've never felt this relaxed.

"Morning Mate," Vincent purred, making my pillow vibrate with his deep voice.  Oh wait, my pillow is his chest and my blanket is his arms.

Well there goes my relaxation.

I pushed myself up off Vincent's chest and sat upright.  Vincent pushed himself up as well, his hair was dishelved from the night's sleep.  He stretched out his beefy arms until I heard a pop.  He smiled and leaned back on the head board.

"It's almost twelve," he noted.  "You wanna get ready for that pool party soon?"

Twelve? I glanced around the room, finding no clock so I couldn't tell the time.  "How can you tell?" I asked, mainly out of curiosity.

Vincent's grin got larger, probably because I was having a little conversation with him.  He got off the bed and walked over to the window, motioning with his hand for me to follow.  I reluctantly obeyed and went over to the window.

"See how the sun's more in the middle of the sky?" he asked, pointing to it.

I looked and had to squint.  "Sure."

"That means it's noon.  When it's closer to the east, then it's morning, west is evening."  He stood back, looking at me with an eager face.

"Cool," I muttered, finding this astronomy lesson rather boring.  I walked away from the window and over to the boxes in the corner of the room that contained my clothes.  I popped open the first one, finding it full of my underwear and bras.  Alpha touched my underwear and bras.

The thought of some grown man touching my intimate items of clothing made me blush.  Hopefully Vincent hadn't gone through this box.

"Why don't you just pick out what you wanna wear and we'll put the rest away when we get back?" he offered.

I just nodded.

Vincent smiled and went over to the closet where his dresser was.  He pulled out the second drawer, grabbing a pair of black swim trunks and a white wifebeater.  Now call me crazy, but I expected him to go change in the bathroom like a normal person.  Instead he pulled down his pajama pants and boxers, actually revealing his nude body to me.

I quickly turned around...after taking a quick peep.

Vincent laughed.  "Like what you see?" he asked.

Oh God.  "No," I scowled.  I shifted through the box, searching for my bathing suit.  It was a nice yellow string bikini that I spent a few weeks doing chores around my house to earn.  I really liked it because it had padding in the top that didn't make it look like I belonged to the Itty-Bitty Titty Committee.  Finally, at the bottom of the box, I spotted it and pulled it out.  I put it under my arms and shifted to the second box for some shorts and a shirt to wear over it.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.  "Mate," Vincent growled into my ear, "wear something appropriate."

I shrugged him off, continuing to look for some shorts.  I had some jean shorts and a black t-shirt that I wanted to wear mainly because of the thin material.  Inside the bedroom was a little warm, so outside must be scorching.  Found them!

I pulled out my shorts and shirt, hearing another growl from Vincent, who immediately snatched them from my hands.  At least he left the bikini under my arms, which I let drop to the floor so that he couldn't take it from me.

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