Chapter 18: This Is My Dragon

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         ''What the hell was that,'' Dash freaked.

         ''White mentioned that he had a dragon, remember,'' Danny smirked.

          ''Dragons are real,'' Kwan asked.

          ''You've met ghosts, sirens, vampires, yeti's, and pegasi,'' Jazz says. ''Yet it's dragons that you have doubts in.''

         ''There shouldn't be anything left that surprises any of you at this point,'' Tucker says. ''Well, I can think of one thing, but I am not gonna mention it.''

          ''Where is Sapphire, anyway,'' Tim asked.

          ''Probably in the garden, freezing the pond again,'' Danny said. ''Let's just hope that there are no naiads in it this time.''

           ''White and Valerie are probably with her, lets go,'' Sarah says.

          The gang went out to the garden. The class followed them. They past the ghost roses and siren lilies. They were soon met by a beautiful dragon. 

           It's head was swan like with lizard qualities. It had large wings, like a cross between a bat's and a eagle's. The rest of it's body was like the that of a giant komodo dragon's. The dragon's scales were an elegant blend of blue, purple, and black. An aurora of the colors. (See picture above)

          ''She's beautiful,'' Lena gasped.

        ''This giant thing belongs to a wimp like Tone Deaf,'' Dash insulted. ''Such a beast should only belong to the star quarterback. Time to ride my new stead.''

          Dash tried to grab Sapphire, but someone punched him. White was rubbing his fist, looking oddly calm.

        ''Touch my dragon and the last think you'll see is an arrow flying at your head,'' he threatened.

           ''White, you got your voice back,'' Dick cheered.

          ''Thanks to Valerie and some water from Lake Nostos,'' White said. ''The water has the power to return what has been lost. Pretty sure there's a fairy tale somewhere that involves the lake, oh well.''

          ''Don't tell me that fairy tales are real to,'' Star says.

         ''Maybe they are, maybe they aren't,'' White smirked, petting his dragon.

          ''Where'd you get a dragon, anyway,'' Dash asked, obviously annoyed that a kid he picked on had a dragon.

          ''I found outside the Isle of Dragons,'' White explained. ''She didn't trust me at first, but she was injured so I didn't care. After I got her fully healed, we bonded. And once you urn the trust of a dragon, they remain loyal to the end. And you're just lucky she didn't try to freeze you when you tried to ride her.''

          ''What do you mean freeze me,'' Dash asked.

          ''Sapphire is a winter dragon, they have ice instead of fire,'' Danny explained. ''Watch this. Sapphire, ice beam.''

           The dragon's mouth glowed blue. Out shot a beam of bright blue toward a tree. In an instant, it froze into a tree-cicle.

          ''Fire and ice, what an unappreciated combo,'' White chuckled.

          ''When do the rest of us get dragons,'' Kwan asked, really wanting a dragon.

          ''You don't,'' Dick told them.

          ''What's going to stop us,'' Dash puffed out his chest to try and show superiority.

          ''One, we're in the Ghost Zone and you have no way to get to the Isle of Dragon,'' Lena says. ''Two, dragons are living creatures so they aren't things you own. And three, you will more likely get eaten than train a dragon.''

            ''If a wimp can train one, why can't I,'' Dash argued.

           ''Training a dragon is best for people with brains, not bronzes,'' White smirked.

          ''Why you little,'' Dash threatened.

           But Nightwing elbowed him in the back faster than he could pull back his fist. 

         ''Don't touch him,'' Dick glared.

           White just shook his head. He got on top of Sapphire.

           ''Brothers,'' he mumbled. ''I'm gonna take a flight, haven't done it in forever.''

           ''Come down safely,'' Danny said.     

          ''When have I not,'' White chuckled, taking off on Sapphire. 

          When you fly on a dragon, there is no feeling like it. It is complete freedom from the world around you. The wind in your hair, the sound of your dragon's roar, even the feeling of your dragon's fire (or ice) breath. 

           ''Alright, girl,'' White says. ''Let's give them a little scare.''

          Sapphire dived down, going right toward the group.

           ''Here we go again,'' Sam complained.

           ''Always with the fancy flying tricks,'' Jazz shook her head. ''We might want to duck.''

          Sapphire flew right over them, just barely missing their heads. Wing swept over them, blowing their hair back and making them back up a few feet.

          ''Watch it, Tone Deaf,'' Dash yelled.

         White just smirked from the back of the dragon. He just continued to fly around the castle. Sapphire saw someone aiming guns at them. She started acting a little wild to try and avoid them.

          ''Sapphire, what's wrong,'' White asked. ''Calm down before you hurt someone.''

         Sapphire swerved to avoid to energy blasts. That's when he realized that he was in trouble.

         ''Not good,'' White gasped. ''Get us down, girl.''

          Sapphire was about to dive down, but then two of the blasts hit her in the stomach. White was thrown off, falling through the air. He couldn't transform without revealing his secret. His friends on the ground ran to try to catch him.

         ''WHITE,'' they all screamed.

         ''Wyatt, you get him while I get the dragon,'' a male voice said.

           ''You always get to do the fun stuff,'' another man complained.

          White vanished in a swirl of blue and white light balls. Sapphire then gently floated down to the ground. Everyone turned to see two older teenagers standing close to Sapphire. White appeared next to them.

          They both seemed nineteen or twenty. The first was a tall teen with very short dirty blond hair. He wore a long sleeve red shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He also wore khaki pants with black sneakers. A triquetra pendent was around his neck.

         The other was also tall, but with short dark brown hair. He wore a long sleeve dark blue shirt with white cuffs and collar. His pants were jeans and he wore plain sneakers with black and white trim. He also wore a triquetra pendent.

          ''Sapphire, thank the gods you're okay,'' White asked, rubbing his dragon's head.

          ''Good think dragons have tough scales,'' Danny says. ''Wyatt, Chris, thanks for the assist.''  

          ''Anytime,'' Wyatt (the blond) says.     

           ''Let's just hope it doesn't happen again,'' Chris (the brunette) said.

            ''Who shot you down, anyway,'' Sarah wondered.

           ''I have a thought,'' Damian says. ''But no one's gonna like it.''


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