Chapter 2: An Eventful Day

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          "Yeah gym my favorite class," Danny said, his words dripping with sarcasm. 

           He hated gym because that was the only class Dash was allowed to use him as a human punching bag. And sure enough...

          "Hey Fenturd!" 

           Danny groaned. Speak of the devil. Danny, White, and Tucker had just walked into the gym when the school bully Dash Baxter came running up to them. They managed to avoid him after the start of school, but not anymore. He pushed past Tucker and White, shoving Danny into the wall. 

         "So Fenturd, you ready for your daily pummeling or what," he sneered. 

         Danny just sighed and got ready for a punch. This was nothing new. 

         ''Leave him alone, Dash,'' White ordered, but the bully didn't like that.

         ''Looks like the other Fenton wants in on the beating,'' Dash smirked, shoving White next to Danny.

           Danny nearly ripped Dash's head off for that. He could mess with him all he wanted, but his brother was off limits. They were twins. But with Danny being born first, that was enough to make him older in his eyes. So he was very protective of White.

         "Fentons! Baxter! Cut it out," Ms.Tetslaff yelled at them. 

          Dash immediately dropped Danny and walked away. It was then Danny realized that he and White hadn't changed into their PE shirts. They tried to sneak off while the teacher wasn't looking. Well that failed. 

          "Fenton where's your PE shirt," she yelled.

            Danny rubbed the back of his neck. 

           "I was just about to go change," he told her.

           The teacher scowled. "For your buffoonery in class I think I'll make an example out of you. You can show all the other kids just how puny you are"

          She smiled. Danny dead panned. He couldn't do that! They would see all his scars which they would then wonder how he got them! He shook his head nervously. White stood next to him, not wanting him to do it either.

         ''Leave him alone, he didn't do anything,'' White protested. ''It was all Dash.''

            She scowled. "It's either take off your shirt of your own free will. Or I'll rip it off you and give you a detention. You as well, Fenton brother. And I do believe that one more detention means a note home to your parents." 

          Dash smiled like a kid in a candy store and took out his phone. As did several other kids. This would be so great! He'd now have even more things to torment Fenturd about. 

         Danny sighed and Dash watched eagerly as he slowly peeled off his shirt. White has hesitant, but followed suit. To revile... wait... that can't be right. Scrawny Fenton has abs! And his brother had a tattoo.

         Sure enough when he took off his second shirt you could see clearly that he had a six pack. But that wasn't what surprised everyone were the scars. They were everywhere. 

         White wasn't that much different, as he had almost the same amount of scars. But with his tattoo, it was given to him by the grateful siren community when he defeated their evil queen, Obsidian Siren. It was a golden music measure going down his back.

        They were both well built with their muscles and abs. What else could three straight years of fighting ghosts and monsters do? Then just like that they had been covered up again by their P.E. shirts. 

         "Happy now," Danny said, both boys glaring at the coach who currently looked like a fish out of water as she tried to form the words. 

          Danny and White rolled their eyes, then sulked over to the corner before anyone could ask any questions. They were basically ignored for the rest of gym class.

          When class was over, they couldn't get out of their fast enough. The three boys changed back into their normal clothes and were out the door. They were met by Sam and Valerie. They saw the distressed look on the two brother's faces.

          ''What happened,'' Sam asked.

          ''They saw our scars,'' White told the girls, and they paled.

           ''Did any ask questions,'' Valerie asked. ''Do I have to go Red Huntress on their soon-to-be sorry behinds?''

            ''Valerie,'' White warned.

            ''We didn't allow them to ask anything,'' Danny said. ''We finished class, then were out the door.''

            ''Better hope nothing else, like that, happens today,'' Tucker says, but noticed the looks they were giving him. ''I just jinxed it, didn't I?''

             They four others nodded in response.

           ''Hopefully it's just going to end up being another attack by the Box Ghost,'' White said. ''But if he says 'Beware,' you might want to stay a few away from me, cause I will scream. And you all know how destructive my screams are.''

           They all laughed at that comment. The group of friends walked into Mr.Lancer's classroom. But weren't greeted by their teacher.

           ''Hi, sweeties,'' a perky woman's voice greeted.

           The five stopped in their tracks, seeing who was there. The first was a rather tall and fat man with black hair and a goofy grin on his face. He was in an extra extra large orange jumpsuit. The shorter and thinner woman next to him had on her motherly smile. She had the hood of her blue jumpsuit down, showing her orangeish-brown hair.

         ''This can't be happening,'' White thought.

         ''This better not be happening,'' Danny thought, as if reading his brother's mind.

          They both looked at the adults, putting on fake smiles.

          ''Hi mom,'' White greeted.

          ''Hi dad,'' Danny greeted.


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