Meeting him

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Your name - (Y, n)

hair color - (h,c)

Eye color - (e,c)

Favorite food - (F,f)

Favorite drink - (F, d)

Your P.O.V

You sighed as you and your sister Raven Queen got ready to start your year at Ever After High. You knew exactly how it was gonna go. You were gonna be unseen by everyone and when they did see you, they were gonna run away. Raven crunched her nose and you heard a pop and she disappeared with her bags. You smiled because magic was the one thing you were better at than Raven. You snapped your fingers and appeared in front of the high school. As you tried to pick up both of your bags and backpack you were tripped by Faybelle Thorn. She laughed and flew away. You growled and sighed as you picked up your stuff. That's when your hand made contact with another person's hand. It was a young man's hand, he had brown hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes. His pale soft skin making his blue eyes pop. He wore a gold thin crown and a blue suit with a white scarf and gray khakis. As you brushed hands a purple flashed on both of your eyes (I know that's not where a zing is from but in this story, I'm using it). He blushed and picked up your bag for you, "H-Hi, I'm D-Dexter Charming", he said as he held your bag walking into the school. "I'm Y, n Queen, sister of Raven Queen. ", you said waiting for him to run away. " T-That's a really nice name ", he said not even flinching as you walked to your dorm room. " So you're not afraid of me ?", you asked opening the door and set your stuff down by your bed. " Of course not, I-I mean you seem like a-an amazing girl, uh I-I mean", he stuttered his face heating up. You chuckled and gave him a small hug, " Thank you for being the first person to not run away from me screaming", you said. "N-No problem, so uh m-maybe if you're not busy, y-you could sit outside with me for l-lunch ?", he asked scratching the back of his neck looking at the ground. You gave a small smiled at his attempt and answered saying," Of course ". He looked up at you smiling brightly saying this before he walked it," yes!".

When you closed the door you could hear him dancing through the halls. You laughed quietly and started to put your stuff away. As you looked on the other side of the room you recognized the wood and paint. Cedar Wood walked into the room and gasped, " Y,n!", she squealed as she hugged you. " Cedar! You're my roommate ?", you asked happily, but quickly hiding the smile forming. If you learned anything from your mothers yelling, it was that you aren't supposed to smile or be happy. "Yup, oh by the way headmaster Grimm said that you have to go to his office for your schedule", she said, "By the way, your hair looks wicked, and I can not lie". "Thanks, Cedar", you said as you fixed your bed sheets and walked out the door. As you walked down the long halls of Ever After High you saw the groups, The princesses and the Villians, and those in between. You sighed as the three little pigs kids ran away from you squealing. You flattened out your skirt as you knocked on the headmaster's door. It opened by itself and there in the centre of the room was Headmaster Grimm in a black suit looking scary and powerful. You stood tall as you walked in and sat down, "Cedar said I had to come here for my schedule", you said. He got up and walked around, "Yes, you see your mother recommended you not to be in the same classes as Raven, as you would distract her, but there are some classes that are a must have, so I called you to figure out which classes you want to switch". "I'm not a distraction to my sister, I don't get why I have to be the one to change classes", you whined. He raised his eyebrow sitting in a chair and pulling it to his desk, "Now Y, n, Raven is the new evil queen, we must not distract her in any way because she is a very important role in apple story. You, on the other hand, are more pliable. You understand right?", he said resting his hands on his desk. You narrowed your eyes, "So your basically saying I am not important?", you asked, offendedly. "Yes- uh I mean no, everyone plays a part, your sisters is just...more important", he said, "Nevertheless I need you to pick your classes", he said handing you a sheet. You grabbed it angrily and picked some stupid princess classes and walked out, slamming the door behind you. You felt your eyes water a bit, headmaster Grim didn't think you were important, your mother didn't think you were important, no one did. You wiped your eyes and went to your new class full of pink cuddly, smiley princesses. 

~Time skip~

You walked to the cafeteria with Cedar, "I have to be in some of those 'Princessy classes', my year is off to a great start", you said sarcastically. "Don't worry Y, n I'll be with you", she said hugging you softly. You hugged her back, right when Raven called for Cedar to sit next to her. You sighed once again as she ran off, "So much for being with me", you mumbled as you got your food. You walked outside and searched for Dexter. Knowing him, since he's a mechanics geek, which you found adorable, he probably wouldn't be with the crowd inside. Finally, after 10 minutes you spotted him by an apple tree, kinda looking sad while working on something. As you ran over to him, "Sorry I didn't show up earlier, I couldn't find you", you said plopping yourself down next to him. He smiled a bit saying, "I-I thought you were gonna bail". You looked at him detecting a reoccurring pain in his voice. Now you weren't one to break your mom's rules, but just this one time you felt something and acted on it. You slowly moved your hand onto his, "I am not like other girls, and I won't bail on you", you said gazing softly into his eyes. He was surprised by your actions.

Dexters POV

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. A girl is holding my hand. What the hex is happening ?!?! Daring is always the one who gets all the girls. But y, n is different. And uh oh she's looking at me oH NO WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!!

Your POV
You gazed at him and his face was red, " T-Thank you y-y, n", he said. You gave him a real smile and let go of his hand. " No problem Dex, so what are you working on??",you asked trying to change the subject. This was a new feeling. You felt soft and weak and gooey inside. You didn't know if you liked this feeling. You started eating your food. " Oh this is a-a Mirror pad I started taking apart, Humphrey and I wanted to use the tech in the Mirror pad and make it into something new", he said letting you examine the object. " The bell rang. " Very impressive Dex, but a word of advice. You should really disconnect that red and yellow wire and replace it with the blue and red one ", you said as you got up. You handed the device back to Dexter and then went to go throw your garbage out. He sat speechlessly for a bit but then remembered that the bell rang and ran to his class. You shook your head and went to science class, The teacher was assigning partners, you actually got paired up with Daring. You rolled your eyes as he tried to blind you with his smile. You felt someone keep looking at you as you did all the work. As the bell rang you got your backpack and said to Daring,"Meet me in my dorm room so that we can finish the project". "Anything for you, evil little darling", he said flipping his hair. "Don't ever call me an evil little darling", you said as you flicked his ear and walked away. You saw Dexter looking on with sadness at you and his brother. He always seemed to be outshined and pushed away by his brother. You sighed and kept walking, "When will he notice how wonderful he is", you thought to yourself.

Hey my little puffles, I got bored and made this book. Tell me if you like it or nah. lol. There aren't enough Dexter Charming x reader books out there. Anywho please comment and vote. Have an amazing day. God bless you all. Love u all. XOXO

-Mama Puffle


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