Chapter Thirteen

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Kane was about to drop to the ground when the huge wolf turned. They locked eyes. Both Kane and Adam froze in their places, waiting for the next move. Kane prepared for the fight, he felt his muscles tense as he was about to drop, but something in the rogue's eyes stopped him.

The wolf turned away from them and ran, his giant paws hitting the ground hard. The wolf disappeared into the darkness of the tree line within half a second. Kane stood there with his jaw open. He glanced at Adam, who looked just as dumbfounded.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know," Adam whispered.

"Do we chase him?" Kane asked. His eyes were stuck on the spot where the giant wolf had just disappeared into the tree line. He hadn't expected that.

Adam shook his head.

"We must look pretty fierce if a wolf like that is prepared to run from us," Kane joked out of nervousness. Adam's return expression implied that it wasn't a time for jokes.

Adam sent one last glance at the tree line. "I don't get that," he muttered as they quickly made their way towards the street. "Rogues come looking for fights. Why didn't he try to come for us?"

"He could have been injured or something and knew he wouldn't win against two wolves?" Kane offered.

"He didn't look too injured to me. There must be something else."

"Maybe he was after something specific," suspected Kane. "They might not be here to terrorise."

Adam didn't say anything in reply. Instead, he started jogging. "We need to get to the town centre."

They jogged with observant eyes, Kane watching for any more wolves lurking in the shadows. It was only a few minutes later when Kane heard people in the distance. He recognised them instantly as the pack's response team. They were a group of more experienced pack members, who, under the direction of the Alpha, did their best to protect the town where necessary. Since Kane was a child he looked up to this group of wolves. He always wanted to be one of them, but they had a rule in their pack, no one under the age of twenty-five was allowed to join.

The group saw the boys instantly, and waved them over. As they jogged up to them, Kane looked for Phil. He ran this group, and he had been friends with their fathers since they were children. He spotted Phil quickly. He was standing to the side, a phone pressed to his ear.

Kane and Adam stopped right next to Phil. Kane wondered if the man had been in bed before all of this. He was wearing his signature army pants and black shirt, but his hair was a little pushed up to the side and he was wearing his thick glasses instead of the usual contact lenses.

Adam started to ask for a report, but Phil interrupted him. "Does your father know that you're here?" he asked.

Adam straightened his shoulders. "No, he does not, but-"

Phil put his hand up, a clear signal for Adam to stop talking. Not many people would feel comfortable interrupting an Alpha, but Phil was different. He always had one goal in mind, the pack's safety, and everything else came as second to him. It's what made him perfect for the job. It's also why Kane knew that Adam wasn't too fond of the man. He wasn't exactly an advocate for having the two boys involved in things like this.

Phil spoke into his phone. "Sir, your son and Kane Moore are here...Yes in town centre....No they aren't injured...yes Sir."

Adam sent Kane a desperate glance. He spoke to Phil, "We have every right to be here, we just want to-"

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