Chapter 1

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" just a few months " Aliah said as She walked out the door turning around to shut & lock it , it was going on 7:00 & She was on the way to school she attended " Myers High " she decided to walk today her mom got called in early & her cousin Randi wasn't feeling good so she decided to stay home

5 mins into her walk She heard a horn She decided to keep walking assuming they weren't talking to her she was just the usual fat girl standing at 5'5 & weighing 215  didn't get a lot of male attention & when She did it was because they were picking on her she didn't pay them any mind though because when she left school She didn't think about them at all She would be lying if She said it didn't get to her a little because she never messed with anyone she had 1 friend which was her cousin Randi

" Aye " a deep male voice yelled but it wasn't just any male voice She knew that voice from anywhere it was Ty from her school she had a crush on him but she knew he did a lot of illegal activities but she kept that to herself

" can I help you " She said loud enough for him to hear her she just wanted to get to school with no interruptions

" I can give you a ride so you don't have to walk " he said driving slowly next to her as she continued to walk

" no it's ok the school is just 20 mins away from here thanks though " She said looking at him & then looking back down speeding up her walk She was already 10 mins late & breakfast was already going on She didn't want to be late to 1st period that would draw too much attention

" Shid ok fuck you too then " he said as he pulled off heading towards the light

" coward " She mumbled to herself as She continued to walk to school putting in her AirPods & playing " I'm saving all my love for you " by Whitney Houston

" you've got your family & they need you thereee " She sang to herself as she as stopped at the light waiting for the signal for it to be ok to cross the road


" maybe I'll get toast & grits " She said to herself she looked at the breakfast options it wasn't the best but It was something She didn't have time to eat breakfast because She woke up late & She had to walk to school

" 10 mins until the first bell "
Mrs.weathers said over the intercom

Which speeded up her option picking She grabbed the tray of toast & grits & went to go sit at a table in the corner of the cafeteria She could sit outside but She didn't like walking outside there was always people blocking the doors & she didn't want to accidentally hit someone with a door & it start a whole problem the people there weren't quite friendly

As Aliah was walking She could feel eyes on her which made her feel like She was walking funny
" omg not today " She whispered to herself as She finally made it to the table she was targeting when She sat down She finally got to scan the cafeteria locking eyes with ty as he sipped his milk & his friend was on the side talking to him but he didn't seem to care about what he was saying

Aliah quickly looked down & started to eat her grits they only had about 5 mins left until first period & She had mostly all her classes with ty what a shocker She just couldn't seem to stay out of his way

" hello Aliah how was your weekend " mr.gray greeted her as She walked into class & took a seat in the back She tried to always be the first in class so She could have a seat in the back of the classroom they didn't have assigned seats so it was first come first served

" great " Aliah said looking at him giving him a closed lip smile Sitting her bag on the floor as she pulled her chair up to the desk getting ready to take notes that's all they did in there or watch videos & take notes it was really a Free A+ & a free credit to Graduate she had 6 months till graduation & so far She  was on track She didn't have much to do or friends to talk to so She kept her head in the books

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