Chapter 12

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Hi 😁 .

" Mo stoppppp " I laughed uncontrollably as he pushed me around full speed in a Walmart cart we were currently in Walmart

I haven't spoken to ty since the fight we were all given a 10 suspension & we were going on the 5th day of it

" get yo ass off then " he said as we went into the cereal isle

" don't be mean " I told him as I poked out my bottom lip walking away

Me & Mo started chilling with each other about 2 days ago he had saw the videos of the fight & had called me to check up on me

" cry baby ass " mo said following me with the cart picking up some fruit my pebbles

" no you're just mean " I said as I looked at all the cereal I was helping him shop for his house & then we'd go out to eat after

" so what you wanna eat after we leave " mo asked as we walked around Walmart looking for other things he needed

" Can we have Applebee's please I love their wings " I told him as I put some bread in his cart

" I can Fuck with that they pasta good asf " he said as grabbed some bagels

" I didn't know you liked bagels " I said as I pulled out my phone going on tiktok

Ty has texted me a few days ago but I didn't answer back but Randi told me that she was at his house with Levi & saw some girl there & she also told me that she could hear moaning

I didn't care at that point he was honestly just using me & trying to manipulate me I was just gonna stop talking to him & hopefully he would leave me alone forever

" I need milk , cream cheese & lunch meat " Mo said as we walked towards the freezers

" I'm so hungry " I said as I went to grab the Cream cheese I was ready to get out of there I go eat

I had on a black & grey sundress that hugged my curves with some silver flip flops

I lace was melted I also wore it half up & half down my eyebrows were did I was also wearing lashes & lip gloss

" Ight we got everything let's go to self checkout " Mo said knocking me out of my thoughts

While we were walking towards the front I looked over towards the exit & my heart dropped I saw Ty , Levi & 2 other dudes walking in

I tried to hurry & walk to self check out but it was to late ty had already spotted me but he didn't do anything though he just said something to them & they walked out

Thank god

" are you paying with cash or card " I asked him as I put everything in the cart so we could leave

" you know I got cash baby " mo said as he pulled at 4 twenties inserting them in the machine & waiting for his change

Once we made it to the parking lot & found Mo's car he hit the unlock botton & we were putting the stuff in his trunk when out of nowhere Ty came out of nowhere & hit mo across the head

" WTF " I yelled as They started to jump him I tried to pull ty off of him as Levi helped me

Mo was fighting back & for it to be 3 against 1 he was holding his own but I still couldn't let them jump him

" GET OFF OF HIM " I yelled as I started to windmill this was my friend & of course I'm going to protect him as if it was Randi getting jumped

I probably looked slow but at least I was helping him

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