Chapter 33

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Hey y'all 😁😁😁

Aliah & ty laid in bed watching four brothers it had been almost a week since the incident her face was slowing healing the only thing that was visible was her eye

" man they stupid to To let him out there by hisself I'll never let my brother outside by hisself knowing we beefing with the biggest boss in the city " ty fussed as he looked at the tv

They were on the part where they all were arguing because they thought Jeremiah had something to do with his moms death & jack went to answer the door which led to him getting killed

Aliah looked over at ty giggling she found it funny how he didn't want to watch the movie but now he was so interested in it

" I'm funny " ty asked looking over at Aliah

Looking at her face he felt hisself getting mad again Emma was definitely gonna get hers

" just a little " she said getting out of bed going to the kitchen ty got up following her

They hadn't told anybody that she had a miscarriage they were going to keep that between them only because they felt like it was their relationship & business they didn't like people being in their business

& they also didn't want people looking at them with long faces anytime they came around

" how you feeling " ty asked her as she got out ingredients to make chicken Alfredo

He found hisself checking on her more than often after the fight

" I'm okay it probably wasn't time for us to be having kids anyways " Aliah said as she washed the chicken breast

" you probably right " ty nodded as he filled the pot with water

" but on the other hand are you okay I know you wanted a child " Aliah asked ty as she looked up at him

She wasn't the only one who lost a child she felt like it was selfish to only ask was she ok when he helped her create the child

" yeah I'm sad that I lost my first child but like you said maybe it just wasn't the right time " he told her as he put the pot on the stove cutting it on

" we'll try again but not soon probably after the wedding " she assured him

" yeah about that when do you want it "

" idk probably next year around may I believe do you want to have it down here " she asked as she dropped the cut up chicken breast in the pot putting seasoning on it

" it's honestly what ever you want no limit what ever you wanna do " he told her truthfully it was her day he wanted her to be happy

" I want to have it here & I wanna invite my cousins & you can invite your people "

Ty didn't really talk to his people they were cool but after his momma died everybody stopped coming around he wasn't tripping about it though he felt it was fake love

" I'll see maybe I'll finally let you meet em " he told her as he watched her cook the chicken breast

" finally I'm excited " Aliah cheesed

Ty wasn't really with the idea but if she wanted his people at the wedding he'd let them come

" thank you baby " ty said as he sat next to Aliah in the bed eating their chicken Alfredo

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