Ch. 5, Party pt.2

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Star found Jackie texting someone while sipping frequently at her solo cup.

"Enjoying yourself?" Star asked, as Jackie's thumbs moved rapidly across her screen.

"Old friend of mine going through some personal shit," Jackie replied, her phone turning off with a loud click as she slid it into her pocket.

"That sucks," Star murmured, watching Jackie curiously as she quickly downed the rest of her beer and threw the empty cup away.

Jackie threaded a hand through her hair with an exasperated sigh before giving Star an anxious look.

"She must be in some REALLY deep shit if its caused you to be this anxious," Star looped her arm around Jackie's shoulders and led her to an empty folding chair that had fallen to the floor.

"I'm fine," Jackie muttered, massaging her stomach as she stared blankly at the floor.

The loud music and yells of drunken teenagers almost drowned Jackie out as she dismissed herself to find the bathroom and demanded Star not accompany her.

Star stared after Jackie worriedly before returning to the party, every now and then glancing in the direction of the bathroom which Jackie seemed to be taking her sweet time in.

Star leaned against a wall and watched the party-goers lazily; all the drunk teens practically bouncing off the walls found Star completely unamused by their antics, which had Ferguson (amongst others) on the floor clutching their guts or sloshing beer across the floor as they sloppily slammed plastic solo cups together.

To Star's great dismay, Marco sauntered over to her, his ruffled hair and chocolatey-brown eyes more attractive than ever in the dim (yet somehow flattering) lighting of Brittany's main floor.

Marco smirked at her airily and leaned against the wall space beside her.

"Having fun princess?" he smirked, the sickly smell of beer fresh on his breath.

"Not tonight Diaz," Star sighed, casting an anxious glance at the bathroom door.

"Seriously Star when will you ever loosen up?" Marco teased.

Star glared at him scornfully.

"When we're both burning in hell," muttered Star darkly, her irritation reaching its limit.

Marco threw his head back and laughed.

The adorable dimples that now graced his face made Star want to slap and hug him at the same time.

'Fun,' Star thought sarcastically, refusing to reveal the slightest bit of amusement to Marco.

"Why even bother come to a party then blondie?" He asked, still smiling like an extremely infuriating Calvin Klein model.

"To be a tease?" Marco asked, swiftly grabbing one of Star's braids and giving it a thoughtful look before dropping it limply back onto her shoulder.

"Blondie, that's a new one," Muttered Star, her eyes constantly drifting back to the bathroom door as she prayed Jackie wouldn't walk out until Marco had left the premises.

"To get buzzed?...wait no that'd be considered loosening up," Marco said, ignoring her.

"To see you of course," Star said with a sickly sweet voice before rolling her eyes and twirling a braid around her finger.

"You know, earlier, you almost looked like a normal teenage girl," Marco said, tapping his finger to his chin thoughtfully.

"Really? When?" Star asked with fake interest, not even bothering to glance in Marco's direction.

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