help & listen

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*trigger warning*

okay so this isn't a chapter and will probably be deleted soon, but an old friend of mine is in a really bad situation. she's got severe depression and anxiety, as well as what i believe is anorexia nervosa, she's a lgbt youth with an unaccepting family (to the point that it's abusive), and she's incredibly suicidal. i'm currently trying to convince her to call a suicide hotline because she is very seriously contemplating suicide but she keeps refusing to do so because her mom would get mad and she feels hopeless about life (to the point that she seems set on the idea that she won't live to her 20s) and she just wants to die.

i know you guys probably don't give a shit, but please just keep her in your thoughts and prayers. i'm so fucking scared for her right now and have been for the longest time. there isn't much i fear so much as this. please just help or something.

i'm not sorry that this isn't an update because i'm scared out of my mind and i think you all deserve to know that even if you don't give a shit about any of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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