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IF I HAVE EVER tasted a salad so terrible as the one stuck between my teeth right now, colour me orange and call me an oompa loompa. i say this on account of how wholly organic and revolting the taste of kale remains to me.

"why such a sour face?" the boy across from me jeers. his generic styrofoam plate is piled with what could easily be considered pizza and an apple.

i sneer, which brings a strange smile to his face. "the freshman fifteen is a real thing. i would rather prevent it."

the boy, whom i know as elliot, grins again. "i need the meat on me," he says, then gestures to his bony wrist with his other hand. he laughs a hearty laugh, one which would carry if we weren't in the cafeteria.

for once, i decide to humor him, despite how truly terrible eating healthy tastes. like the taste of defeat, it is cringeworthy.

"how your en'-of-ter' 'ssay coming for literature?" he says through a mouth full of his food. i gag as a pepperoni falls from his mouth. he swallows his food soon enough, but not soon enough that my disgust can cease as soon as possible. "sorry." with a clean napkin, he wipes his mouth clear of foodstuffs.

    "it's okay. i've been having trouble with wrapping it up."

    "what topic did ya choose? of the three he offered, i mean."

    the three writing views we had been given to choose from were meant to take on the points of view of either a young man contemplating suicide, someone who had been trapped in the defunct foster care system for most of their life, or a sufferer of ptsd.

    "ptsd one."

    he seems slightly taken aback. "why? that's a plain sad topic, anna. the perspective of a soldier, i assume?"

    under the table, i tap my foot against the floor. i try not to think about the essay too much; even though i know he means well, my vision turns a bit grey.

    when my eyes open again, elliot looks unbelievably confused, but that doesn't keep his face from lighting up.

    "she lives!"

    "damn narcolepsy," i mutter. he probably couldn't make the connection between my narcs and the ptsd writing topic.

stress builds up in my stomach as he tilts his head just a bit to the right. simply confounded. "that sucks. i forgot to ask, how'd you get it?"

    "no clue," i lie, then stand from the chair. "gotta go work on that paper."

    "um..." he seems disappointed; i can see it in the caterpillar state of his eyebrows, how his deep brown eyes reflect apprehension. "okay. see you later?"

    i'm already backing away when i say "sure." it may be the second lie i have told him in thirty seconds, but i'm not sure. the innocence in his face made me think that it was truth.

    but still, i need a minute to bbe alone if i'm going to be thinking about the contents of that paper.


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