writer's block.

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"Well, the fates are smiling upon you, my friend." - Jasper Jordan


writer's freaking block. our greatest enemy. our worst nightmare. lol that was so extra i'm sorry. anyways, this tip is going to be about curing writer's block. ironically enough i was having major writer's block myself coming up with another tip...so i'm writing about curing it. lol. i think i find that funnier than it actually is but oh well.

☞ WITHOUT FURTHER ADO - kicking writer's block in the ass 

you're sitting with your fingertips hovering over your keyboard but your brain is completely blank. you type out one sentence then quickly delete it. over, and over and over again. nothing is working. you close your laptop. then you open it again. still nothing. you smash your head into a wall. surprisingly, still nothing. we ALL know that feeling. and it sucks. it's so empty and void and overwhelming and ew. okay. here are the best tips i could come up with to help you NEVER EVER feel that way again:

take a break. go out for an iced coffee with a friend. clean your room. go on a hike. i don't care what you do, just get away from the blank word document that's taunting you. your brain is going to work much better when you step away for a while, and let it rest.

listen to music. sometimes legit just one song will like spark my mind and i'll go off and write an entire chapter just because of it. some bands/artists that especially inspire me while writing the 100 books are: imagine dragons, sleeping at last, fleurie, banks, birdy, the lumineers, lorde, tom odell, seafret, ruelle, M83, winter aid, vancouver sleep clinic, and kodaline. (and probably more that i'm forgetting but oh well)

read something else. when i read other books it hypes me up to write my own. other authors'  writing styles and techniques inspire me and make me want to practice my own. also reading books submerges you into another world and is a great distraction from your own writing problems.

write somewhere else. if you usually write on your bed or at a certain desk, try going to your back-yard, a local library or cafe, sit on your front porch etc. really anywhere. seeing fresh faces and places (i'm a poet ik) will help spark your imagination and inspiration (LOL there i go again).

reread your past work. go through your book and read the parts you loved, read through comments people have left. when i feel uninspired i often do this to see what sorts of scenes you guys like, etc. (but remember, write for yourself not just your readers).

work on other aspects. instead of writing, create moodboards for your characters, look for good gifs to fit your story, create a mini trailer, write out detailed character descriptions, make a 'meat my oc's' type book, edit new covers...when i'm running out of inspiration i do these things bc they get me excited about my book.

ask a friend. if one of your readers is someone you talk to, ask for their advice on what they think should happen next, or if they have any specific ideas about what direction your story should head in.

read writing prompts. the internet, and even just wattpad in general is full of writing prompts. if you look up 'writing prompts' on wattpad gazillions of books filled with cool plot ideas, inspiring quotes, etc will pop up. or sometimes i even just go on weheartit or pintrest and search up quotes on whatever i'm writing about (ex 'quotes on survival' or 'quotes on love' etc). reading these can be super inspiring.

plan ahead of time. when you are feeling inspired, write out sections of chapters ahead of time. sometimes i'll just write a bunch of rough drafts of chapters then go back and make them better later. that's why sometimes i update a bunch i apologize lol.

eat chocolate and/or drink iced coffee. this tip isn't specific to just writer's block, i've found it's a good remedy for pretty much anything. your welcome for spreading my wisdom with you kids.


thanks for reading beans! i'm still so impressed that this book is at 5,000 reads. ily all

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