Inbetween Classes

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Disclaimer:  I've been gone for some time and still nothing changes. I don't own Hetalia. TwT

Countries' names:

America:  Alfred

Canada:  Matthew

England:  (not canon) Evan

Russia: (technically not canon) Ivan

China: (not canon) Cory

Prussia:  (not canon) James

Germany:  (not canon) Aldwin

Japan:  (not canon) Darwin

Italy:  (not canon) Edmundo

Romano:  (not canon) Jason

Spain:  (not canon) Arturo

France:  (not canon) Peter


England/Evan's PoV

   Was that really America? England couldn't help but wonder. It had been so long since he had seen America act so relaxed, so chill, so mellow, that he almost didn't believe that was the America he knew. It made him wonder how much of America's personality had actually changed in the past two or three centuries since he'd been a colony.

  England shook those thoughts out of his head, they weren't helpful and didn't matter. It didn't matter how much time had passed, America was and always will be a foolhardy, naïve country.

   "I hate the American school system!" France(Peter) complained, slamming his books down, tears comically streaming down his face.

   "Oh, shut up and finish your assignment! It's due in two days." Prussia barely looked up from his papers, his pencil making slight squeaking noises as he wrote.

   France didn't bother lifting his head up from on top of his books. "But why would I work on it now when I can do that tomorrow?"

   China scoffed. "There is ancient Chinese proverb, 'Don't put off what can be done today for tomorrow.' So get working!"

  "Ve~ I didn't-a know that was an ancient Chinese proverb!" Italy started pestering China, asking him if various old sayings he knew were actually Chinese proverbs.

   Germany grabbed Italy's shoulder and forced him to sit down. "Italy, you should fact check before assuming everything someone says is true or not."

  "A-ha! That is also Chinese proverb: Trust, but verify."

  "Now you're just pulling our legs, China," Russia said, smiling brightly.

   Everyone visibly shivered, the atmosphere feeling suddenly overbearing, as if weights had been strapped to the countries' chests. The two Italies clung to each other and went as far away from the still-smiling Russia as possible.

   England cleared his throat. "We can deal with that later, for now, however, I'd like to be able to focus on my schoolwork."

   Everyone(sans Germany, Russia, and Japan) groaned as they remembered that they all had work to do. Japan gave him a grateful look. "Thank you, England-san. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed."

   "Of course, Japan, tell me, what work are you on?"

   "The essay from the cultural studies class."

   England nodded and went to sit next to the nation. "I see. I myself need to work on that one. . . Perhaps we can work together on it?"

   "That would be mutually beneficial," Japan admitted. "Professor O'Mally did say that partnerships were allowed."

World, Meet North AmericaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ