The reason

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As the sunlight hit my face I open my eyes only to close them again after a few seconds I reopen them and I adjust my eyes to the brightness. I turn my head and I didn't see Alex.but I did hear the water running from the bathroom. I got out of bed and I open the bathroom door.

I see Alex through the glass and he looks at me and smiles "hey sweet thing want to join." He said winking at me and I grin and I shake my head "I would love to but not in my parents house it will be very weird." I said and I wash my teeth when I was done I go and I sit on the bed I heard the water stop.

And in a few seconds Alex was dressed with a pants and v-neck shirt. He comes up to me and puts both hands on my shoulders "so what you are trying to say is if we were home you would have join me in the shower." I put on my thinking face and I don't respond.

Alex lightly growls and I smirk at him and I nod he grips my shoulders and I can see that his wolf was taking over I move away from him and I open the door. "Come you have to show me where my dad office is at remember they are going to tell me what happened that night." He growls again but he walks towards me.

And I follow him we go upside to the 5th floor and Alex goes towards a big brown door he knocks on it and he enters "good morning sweetie." Said my dad and I smiled "good morning dad and mom..." I look around the room but I didn't see my brother "where I-" my mom chuckles "you are still attach to your brother you are still the same my child." My mom tells me.

"Your brother is still mad about you having a mate he hasn't gotten over with it he just needs time he is going to see you later." I nod and I took a seat in a armchair. "So let get talking." Said my dad while looking at me and my mate. "The reason why all this happened is because this man name Alec  who is number 1 dangerous rouge wants you." I gulped.

"Why does he want me dad."  His eyes held a serious look "because he wants you to bear his child a lycan child so he can build a army and take over the kingdom." My body stiff I heard Alex growling at what my dad had said. "And he gave us a message saying he will have Anna for himself and he will have his pleasure ways with Anna."

"That night It was him that was attacking our pack we didn't know he was planning to attack that night we weren't prepared we lost tons of pack members that night but all that matter was getting you safe." Said my dad. "That night you and Oscar were supposed to be in your mom friend house she was going to keep you both safe but the man who was going to protect you was found dead next to a tree and you were gone."

Said my dad I looked down at my hand and I look back at them. "I had a dream about you guys that how I was able to recognize you." I said I look at my mom "what dream was it." She asked me and I start to smile "it was when me and you found dad eating whipped cream and Oscar was on top of table with his face filled with cream on him."

And my mother chuckles "I guess Mary stop holding our memories from you." I look at her in a confused way. "I told my friend Mary who is a witch to take away your memories it was the only way we thought you be safe." Said my mom and I nod. "I'm glad I got to have a dream about my family ." I said filled with happiness. "Emma should we tell them." I look at my dad and back at my mom.

"Tell me what?" My mom looks at me and it looks like she is about to cry "Alec isn't dead sweetie he is still out there somewhere we recently found out he has allies with vampires and humans." I think that all it took for Alex to get up and storm away. I yell his name "ALEX!!" I look at him leaving and I turn my body around and they nod. "Go to him he needs you by his side right now." My dad said.

And that all it took for me to run out I go downstairs and I track my mate scent. It lead me to the room that we are using I slowly open the door to see Alex holding his head with both of his palms. I slowly walked to him and I put a hand on his back and I pat it gently "Alex are you alright?" I ask him.

But he doesn't reply I call his name again but still no answer I put my head down and I look at his face to see tears dropping from his eyes. My wolf howls because our mate is crying."Alex please look at me Alex." I told him he looks at me and gives me a hug. "Tell me Alex why are you crying."

I ask him with pain in my voice "I don't want to lose you Anna I don't want to lose the person that I love again." He tells me which breaks my heart I tighten my hug on him "you won't lose me I promise Alex remember you are lycan you are stronger then that mutt. Nothing bad won't happen to me I promise I will always be around you nothing will happen."

"I can't let that happen Anna ever again I'm going to protect you." He tells me and he hugs me we stay quiet and we don't speak to each other we continue on hugging each other for a long while. "Can I mark you." He says and he pulls me away I look at him and I nod.

"Mark me." He didn't even waste a minute he starts to suck on my weak spot and I felt his teeth go in me I wince from the pain but it slowly turn into a moan he licks the spot of where he bite me. He looks at me and kiss me I kiss him. And I mark him to he didn't even wince when I bite him but like me his voice turn into pleasure. I go back to him and I kiss this kiss was different.

It was filled with angry,hunger but it was also soft he lays me down on the bed and puts his hand under my shirt but I stop him and I said "not here Alex." I told him and he groans but nods "sleep my dear mate." He tells me laying down by my side.

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