a long road

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unrequited love

a love where one person doesn't return the others feelings

at one point in life someone has felt unrequited love

if you told me years ago i would have an unrequited love i wouldn't have believed you

i would've said "if i got rejected i would just move on. its easy"

if you asked me now how to move on from an unrequited love i would say

you don't.

you learn to forget and pretend to have never heard their name.

you learn to stop yourself from searching for them when you hear someone say their name

you pretend certain words don't effect you

you pretend you don't miss them when in reality you do

you learn to stop checking your phone but every once and a while can't help but check

you force every thought of them away

you always tell yourself "its over" or "its pointless i need to move on"

you learn to stop looking everywhere for answers

you learn to stop comparing every person you meet to them

you learn to stop,pretend,and forget but you never move on

because lets face it no matter how many times you look up 'how to move on from an unrequited love'

it never works

moving on from someone you never had a chance with is hard

because you wonder how it could've been different

because you wonder how happy you could've been

because you're stuck in the 'what ifs'

so do you ever move on?

if you're lucky even if it takes years you'll find someone that loves you back

and you'll realize that unrequited love you had long ago was just a bump in the road, a long one but one that was meant to happen.

but if you're like me you'll always wonder about the what ifs and how things could've been different

if you're like me you still try to find him in everyone you meet

you'll still love him

you'll still miss him

but you'll pretend to have never heard his name

because in the end the only one hurtimg is you

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