~Chapter Forty-Nine~

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It felt so awkward, being in the car with an angry Cameron. At least, I think he's angry. He sure doesn't look angry now. He actually looks quite calm.

"Cameron... Are you angry at us? At me?" I asked.

"No. I'm not angry... At you. Lyle, yes. Lyle was the one who convinced you to do all those things." Cameron said.

"How did you..."

"That's how Lyle operates. He befriends you, then uses you." Cameron said.

I'm shocked.

Lyle... No, it can't be... Right?

"Look, I know it's a lot to take in, but it'd be best if you avoid Lyle."

Should I listen to Cameron?

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." I said.

Cameron then pulled into the driveway.

"Do you want any help bringing the groceries and dog items in?" I asked.

"I can't take care of the groceries and dog things. But, if you could bring the dog-"


"-inside, and just watch over it, I'd appreciate it." Cameron said.

"Sure. I could do that." I said, before stepping out of the car.

I then opened the door, and picked up Kyra. Kyra was wagging her tail back and forth, as her excited eyes met mine.

I smiled, as I carried Kyra inside. Once inside, I found Henry sitting in the main living area, watching some random TV show.

"Hey." I said, while walking up to Henry.

"Hello... Why do you have a puppy?!"

"Lyle convinced me to. Cameron's pretty ticked about it. So ticked, that he left Lyle in the store's parking lot." I explained.

"Ouch. Well, I guess he got what he deserved."

"I guess."

"What breed it she?" Henry asked.

"Shih-tzu." I said.



"Well, I must say, Kyra is a pretty cute shih-tzu. Even though you probably shouldn't have gotten her, I can tell that she'll make a great addition to the family." Henry said.

"I sure hope she will be."

"Do you want to sit. Maybe let me hold Kyra? You know, get to know her?"


I then sat down, and, placed Kyra in Henry's lap.

Kyra instantly looked at me, and began to whimper, and whine. She even started to try to get back into my lap.

"Well, seems like she doesn't like you." I said.

"Yeah. Maybe Kyra sees you as her mother, and as such, doesn't want me to hold her." Henry said.


Henry then handed Kyra over to me.

Kyra's face instantly lit up.

"So, what're you watching?" I asked.

"Just a random show, waiting for you to get back."

"Waiting for me? But why?"

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat