~Chapter Eighteen~

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Okay, I'm all ready for school. I've even eaten breakfast, and, have gotten my shoes on. So, why is no one up? Did I wake up too early?

Nope, it's eight-zero-five. Where's everyone!?

I decided to check all the bedrooms. In each bedroom, I found that all of them were asleep.

Are you kidding me!?


Guess I can't blame them. They are boys. But still, they're my ride to school!

A devious idea then popped into my head. Quickly I got my phone, and, turned on the alarm's loudest noise. Then, I turned the volume all the way up.

Since the hallway's long, it'll echo.


I then set the alarm for ten seconds from now. Just enough time for me to put in ear plugs.

One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine...


I heard five different grunts/groans/screams (Lyle).

"Wake up, you sloths! We have to leave for school in approximately ten minutes!

Well, my work's done. N each room, I could hear males shuffling around, to get ready.

I then went to the front room, to wait for my brothers.

The first to emerge from the hallway was Hunter. Seems like he was the most prepared.

"Good morning, Hunter."


"You finished everything you need to do?"

"It's a work in progress."

"I see..."

Well, this sucks. Hunter doesn't have a car.

At least, not that I know of.

"You wouldn't happen to have a car? Would you?"


"Oh, okay."

"But, I do have a motorcycle."

What?! Of all people, it's Hunter that has a motorcycle!?

I did NOT see that coming.

"Shall we go?"


Hunter then led me to a garage. In there, were many cars. And, in a corner... Wow, that looks very... Wow...

"Come on." Hunter said, while handing me a helmet.

I quickly put the helmet on.

After we put on our helmets, Hunter helped me onto the motorcycle.

"Make sure to hold on tight, okay?"

"Okay." I said, while grabbing Hunter's waist.

I've never felt so alive before! The feeling of having the wind in my face, it's just so... Electrifying.

... Glad I put my hair in a ponytail...

"Here we are."

"Thank you." I said, while getting off.

Hunter got off as well.

"Will you need me to walk you to first class?"

"No. I think I'll be fine. But, can I have your phone number, just in case?"


I then handed Hunter my phone.

Quickly, Hunter entered his number.

"Thanks." I said, while taking my phone back.

"Sure, anytime."

Hunter and I then walked into the school. After entering, we both went our separate ways.

After going to my locker, I headed out, to find my class.

Luckily, I was able to find it, with no trouble, whatsoever.

After I arrived, I took my seat.

Hunter and Shinto were soon in the class as well.

"Good morning, (y/n)."

"Morning, Shinto. Need anything?"

"No. I just wanted to say good morning."

"Oh, okay."

Shinto then rushed to his seat.

Soon, class started.

...Let the 'Fun' being...    

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu