~Chapter Forty-Four~

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As I opened my eyes, I realized that I was in a hospital.

But, how did I...?

"Hey, (y/n)'s awake!" I heard Lyle exclaim.

I turned, to face all five of my brothers.

"Hey." I said.

My four older brothers turned to me in a flash. Lyle was already turned my way.

"Guys, why am I in a hospital?" I asked.


My brothers starting talking among themselves, as if deciding who would admit to a crime.

Eventually, Henry was chosen as spokesperson.

"You're in the hospital, because, you had inserted poison into yourself." Henry said.

I sat there, shocked.

Poison... What poison...?

"What was the poison?" I asked.

"The sprinkles." Henry said.

... Why would... Who would...

"How could someone try to poison someone else?!?" I asked.

"Don't ask me. I didn't do it." Henry said.

"Then who did?" I asked.

"... I did..." Lyle said, not making eye contact.

I can't believe this... Lyle...

"Why did you try to kill me?!" I shouted.

Lyle flinched at my words.

"I didn't try to kill you, (y/n). I'd hate it if you died..." Lyle's voice trailed off.

"Then, explain." I said, while folding my arms.

"I put them there, trying to get back at Cameron." Lyle admitted.

Okay, that I can believe.

"But, still, poison!?" I exclaimed.

"What I did was wrong, I admit it. And, I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" Lyle said, before giving me adorable puppy dog eyes.

I sighed.

"I guess so." I said.

"Thank you!" Lyle exclaimed.

A doctor then came in.

"Seems like you're awake. That's good." The doctor said.

"Is the poison still inside me?" I asked, a bit fearful.

"No. We already got the poison out. In fact, if you're feeling fine, you're free to go." The doctor said.

"Well, I feel like I'm good to go." I said.

"Good. I'll have a nurse come in with your release forms. And, next time, please, be more careful about what you insert into yourself." The doctor said, before leaving.

A few minutes later, a nurse came in.

"Who's the adult?"


"That'd be me." Cameron said, before taking the papers, and, signing them.

After signing the papers, the nurse nodded, and, left.

"Does this mean we can leave?" I asked.

"I guess..." Hunter said.

I then stood up, leaving the bed.

After getting my clothes back, we all exited the hospital.

I quickly learned that I had been asleep for some time, since it was already 10:37 pm.

In just a few days, we go back to school. I don't know if I can handle going back to school...

"(y/n), are you okay?" Damien asked.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. What gave you the idea that I wasn't fine?" I asked.

"The fact that it took five minutes before you noticed us talking to you." Henry said.


"(y/n), is there something on your mind?" Cameron asked.

"... School..."

"I see. Well, you don't have to worry. We'll take good care of you." Damien said.

"Thanks. I appreciate it."

Soon, we arrived at the mansion.

In silence, we all exited the car, and, headed to our rooms.

From the way that Lyle looked, I can tell that he feels bad about what he did.

I just hope that Lyle's reasoning really was as petty as just getting revenge, and, not to actually harm Cameron...

Who am I kidding? This is Lyle we're talking about. He wouldn't ever even harm a fly.

At least, I think so...

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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