Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Over the past days I knew I have improved. I made sure of that. I no longer was the weak girl the couldn't even punch someone without using distraction. Now I give a fight before going back down. When I said I was going to make people pay. I meant it. And I will not give up on that idea. Plus Max doesn't pick on me as much as he used to.
It's funny how people change when drastic things happen. It's been two months now that this all started and I can't recognize the person in the mirror. Her features have sharpen. Her body has a newer thinner figure. Two things haven't changed from that girl. Her attitude and violet eyes. Those two things will always stay the same because they are part of her.
"You can do it Xavier! You almost got him!" I yell from the tree I am sitting at.
Xavier has been trying to take down Max for the past hour. Of course he failed like me. He had pure confidence at first when we started training. After one second in the fight he was staring at the ground with dirt in his mouth.
Max grabs Xavier's arm and slams him to the ground. Xavier is facing the ground once more. He twists his arm back and Xavier let's out a grunt. He closes his eyes in pain and bites his lip. I stand up and push Max off of Xavier.
"I think that's enough for one day Max. Don't you think Brian?" I ask Brian. Brian is standing under the same tree punching a flour bag. Sweat runs down his body and soaks his shirt. He doesn't stop for a second.
"Here let me give it another try. Xavier come punch this thing. Sally said she wants it thin with no chunks." Brian says out of breath.
"Yes sir." Xavier says. He raises his hand to his temple and salutes Brian. He wears a grin on his face even though his lip is cut.
Brian positioned himself in front of Max. His face was filled with concentration on his opponent. He looked like a true warrior. I had never had more greater respect for him then I do now.
Max swung at Brian and Brian ducked. Brian swung low to Max's abdomen. Max jumped out of the way and delivered a kick to Brian on the face. A river of blood gushes out. I let out a gasp as Brian falls hard to the ground. Brian recovers fast and jumps back up. He runs towards Max. He shoves his head into Max's chest and picks him up slightly in the air. He slams Max on the ground. Max kicks him on the chest and Brian flew in the air. Max goes over and places his hand on Brian's neck.
"You're officially dead. There my friend isn't even half of what an Angel can do." Max said. He did not have one drop of sweat. He didn't even sound winded. I was amazed at how intense the fight was and it couldn't even effect him. Brian laid on the ground taking in his breath. His chest rises up in a rapid rhythm.
I grabbed a napkin from the nursing basket and went to Brian. I cleaned up his nose. I went back and put a new napkin in a bucket full of water. I took off the excess water from the napkin and went back. I cleaned his face off with the damp cloth.
"All better." I say sweetly.
"When are you going to fight, huh?" Brian says with a playful smile.
"Hmm. I'm too good to be fighting. That's why Max doesn't fight me."
"Esme, let's practice." Max said right after I finished talking.
"Yeah too good to be fighting." Brian chuckles at me.
"Just watch and learn brother." I said with confidence in my voice. I walk over to Max.
"Ready to taste the dirt?" I ask Max.
"I don't think I'll be the one doing that." Max says back.
I position in front of him. I nod to him to give me the first blow. He does a low kick to my legs and I jump in the air. I stick my leg out and kick him in the abdomen. He moves out of the way before I can make contact. His hand flies towards my chest as I land on the ground. I duck and punch him on the knee cap. I stand up fast and punch him in the side of the face. A month ago I wouldn't have been able to do that to Max. I wouldn't even be still standing right now. A smiled creeps to my face as I gloat that not one move of his has inflicted my body. Before I know it he barrels into me and slams me on the ground. My back pops at the contact and my bare flesh gets scraped against the sharp pebbles. I press my palm against his forehead and shove his face back. He uses his free hand and shoves it towards my collar bone, missing my neck. He presses hard on it. With my free hand I shove dirty into is open mouth. A moment of distraction passes through and I used it to my advantage. I slid my palm to Max's nose and gave it a hard shove. I learned over the weeks no matter who your opponent is you do whatever it takes to defend yourself. Even if it's someone you care for. Max took the arm that was pinning me to the ground and took my hand away. He pinned both of my arms over my head with one hand and he had the other hand to my throat.
"You're dead." He says. His voice went low and husky. It ran cold chills up and down my spine. I took in a gulp lost of words. Get a hold of yourself!
"That's not what my dirt said." I say the last part coming out as a whisper.
I was trying to catch my breath. I didn't know weather I was breathless because of the fight or his very body pressed against mine. He gives me a knowing smile as if he heard my very thoughts.
"Can you get off of me before you crush me with your weight?" I say with a tint of annoyance.
"As if you don't like it." He says. I stare at him in horror.
Did he read my thoughts? Oh My God he reads thought! I immediately change my course of thought. I direct it right at my parents. I hone all my thoughts on them, blocking Max from my other thoughts. But I have a feeling he can still hear them.
I push him of off me and create as much distance away from each other as possible, by rolling over a few feet. I get up from the dirt and dust my pants and shirt. I walk to my brothers without glancing back at Max. I'm too embarrassed to face him right now.
"Pass me the mash potatoes will you? You always have to hog them." I say to Xavier.
"Well tell Walter the chef not to make them too yummy." Xavier said back before shoving a spoon full of potatoes in his mouth.
I reach towards the bowel and pick it up. Just as it's half way through the table it shatters right in my hands.
"Dammit!" I hiss.
Ever since my.. Uh wings exploded from my back, my powers have been manifesting randomly. It's either I flick my finger and cause the whole library to fall or I touch something and it shatters.
"You messed up the potatoes!" Xavier whined.
"Shut it. It's not my fault." I say and roll my eyes. "When will this ever end?" I say turning to Max.
"When you get to your eighteenth birthday." He says like it's the most normal thing ever.
"Will it be painful?" I whisper in a high pitch voice.
"Yes." He doesn't look up from his plate and continues eating.
"Oh." That's all I had to say.
What would you say to a person who just told you 'when you turn eighteen you will be in so much pain'. I'm sure telling them 'What great joy! I can't wait!'. Or 'kill me please'. Well that may be a good option but still.
"Will you be there when it happens?" It comes out of me before I can stop myself. He stops mid half at putting green beans in his mouth. He looks at me with his mouth wide open. I could feel my cheeks burn. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
"Of course I will." He says.
His features soften and he shoves the green beans in his mouth like nothing happened. Instead of reliving my embarrassment, it grows wilder like a wild fire.
What is wrong with you?! Get a hold of yourself! And stop blushing when he says stuff! What has happened to you? I scold myself.
I took the last bite of my meal and headed upstairs. I wasn't feeling all to well and I knew what was coming up next. A twisted fever and rancid vomit.
Just as I entered the door I could feel the acid going up my throat I run towards the toilet and get out anything that comes out of my throat. I kneel there for 10 painful minutes. My throat burning like hot lava. When I was done I staggered towards the bed. Just as I was about to reach it I fell to the floor and blacked out.
I had the weirdest dream ever. It seemed so real but I knew it wasn't.
My vision was clouded with a crimson haze. Every where I looked it bled red. I was shaking everywhere. Every muscle twitched inside of me.
Someone was next to me. It was Xavier and he had crimson wings. They were outstretched. It was beautiful but gruesome all at once. His face was covered in blood as if he dipped his hands in a bucket and painted his face. I could feel myself backing away from him.
"I won't hurt you." He kept saying like a chant.
Then he disappeared and was replaced by people in cloaks. They all stood around me saying something in a foreign tongue. Then the crowd split right in front of me. John stepped out. He was not painted in red. White flowed out of him like a river. Giving color to the red world. He wears a plain white suit with a black rose on the front pocket.
"Will you be my bride?" He said across the room. A smile spreads on his face and his teeth flash at me.
"Esmeralda don't listen to him!" I turn to my left. Max is standing next to the window. He wears a worried expression on his face. He too let's a river of white light out.
"Max what are you doing here!" I hiss with annoyance. He sits on my bed and lands a kiss on my forehead.
"It's time to wake up." He whispers before he kisses me on the lips.

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