Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

By the fourth day we made it to the indians' territory. By that time my.... Wings had pulled back and hidden all for themselves. One day I just woke up and they were gone. I was relieved to see them gone. That day I was hopping it was all a nightmare but Max stepped away from the shadows. All my hopes crashed down on me and helplessness filled me.
It rained once in our trip and we had to look for shelter in an old rundown building. We stopped, ate, rested, and rode. We kept low conversation, almost non.
Max rode in front of us. Ever since that day we kept and eye on him. So far he hasn't done anything to rise suspicion but things never last long. Just like our trust for him.
Silver seemed tense ever since we left. I think he knew what was going on. I petted his neck and he snorted a reassuring snort.
Suddenly he stopped walking and he was more alert now. I looked around and the rest were still ahead of us.
"Xavier! Brian!" I whispered fiercely. They turned around and looked at me. They became alert and came towards me. A few feet away Max stopped.
Rustling noises started coming from every direction. The horses started to get startled. I told Silver to calm down. I ran my fingers through his mane. Then from every where arrows were pointing at out necks. Ropes flew in the air to keep the horses down.
"Esmeralda!" Brian and Xavier yelled.
Beautiful sun kissed people started to pull on me. The women, with their long raven hair, were talking in indian language. The men were observing me if I was of any threat. Xavier and Brian were being picked at with the rock spears.
"Let them go." Max said coming towards us. He got off his horse and and an Indian man walked behind him. The Indian man talked in the same language of the woman. When he stopped talking they all pulled away.
I petted Silver to calm down. I got off and I walked in front of him. I grabbed his head and laid it on my shoulder. I petted behind his ears until he calmed down.
"There Silver. You'll be fine. We will be fine." I said looking over at Max. He was talking to the Indian man that translates what Max said.
I pulled Silver close to the other horses and went with my brothers.
"Do you think this is a trap?" Xavier whispered.
"I don't know. I'm trying to find escape exits." Brian said.
"There is no escape from here. For now." I whispered.
"Why?" Both of them asked.
"There are some hiding in the bushes over there. And some are on the trees." I pointed out where all of them where and they cursed under their breaths. "That's why it's good to go hunting with father." I mocked with a smirk.
Max walked over to us and gestured us to follow the indians back to their tribe. We got back on the horses and started following.
All around energy was flowing. The people were talking excitedly. Yelling and screaming. Here from there. I could only guess there was a celebration going on.
Me and my brothers stayed together and didn't leave each other's side. Often the people around us would touch the horses or our clothing. They would offer food but we refused with a smile. They kept repeating a phrase I didn't know. If only I had listened to my mother and learned the Indian language. Than this wouldn't have been a problem.
We reached the tribe's camping site a little before dawn. When we got there children came running from everywhere. They ran towards their parents. They hugged them and kissed them. It made me think of my parents and tears came to my eyes. The children spotted us and hid behind their parents. One of them was brave enough and came up to me. He started petting Silver and than he hugged him. I smiled at the child. I made a hand motion if he wanted to get on and he nodded. Max came over and picked him up and gave him to me. The little boy sat in front of me. Happy that he got to ride the silver horse.
Max left us with the people of the tribe. We stood there not knowing what to do.
"Of course he would leave." Brian muttered.
"Why are we still following this guy anyways?" Xavier asked.
"I have a feeling he is telling the truth." I said looking at the direction Max took.
"We should take the chance and leave." Brian said.
"I think so too. It's not safe to be around a guy who could turn on us any time." Xavier said.
"Are you guys scared? Do you want me to go get our mommy and come here to feed you guys your milk?" I mocked them with a smile.
"Oh my did she just say a joke?" Brian said with fake surprise.
"I think so brother. For a second there I thought she was turning into mini Max." Xavier joked.
I punched Xavier in the arm and said,"I will never turn into Max. God forbid it happens. He is always so grumpy."
"You know if he stayed with us for a day he wouldn't be that grumpy." Brian said.
"Yeah you'll drive him insane." I said with a smirk.
The small little boy turned to me and said something that I don't understand. But it had the same phrase that everyone has been saying.
"Do you know what he is saying?" I asked my brothers.
"Oh my do I hear Esmeralda De La Dollores asking for help?" Xavier said mockingly.
"Just tell me what he is saying. If you know what he is saying."I said rolling my eyes.
"He said thank you for letting me ride on your horse beautiful purple eyed woman."The voice didn't not come from Xavier or Brian but from behind me. I turned to see where the voice was coming from. It was the man that translated for Max. Now that I wasn't worried about being killed I took in every detail of him. His skin was a beautiful tan red color. His hair was raven black and long. It was tied up. He was well built and about the same hight as me. He looked to be around the age of 20.
"Oh. Tell him it wasn't a problem. He can ride it all he wants as long as I'm around the horse. I would be heartbroken if something happened to Silver." I told the man. He translated for me. The boy said something else and than left.
"He said he will come tomorrow to you." The man said.
"Sounds good to me. Where are my manners sir? I'm Esmeralda, this is my brother Brian, and my other brother Xavier." I said pointing at my brothers to tell who is who.
"Esmeralda..." He said testing it on his lips. He said,"I'm Ezequel. It was a please to meet you all, but I've got things to do. We need to celebrate for our new guests. Let Mazti to take you to your hut. They will give yo food and water for your horses and there will be clothes and blankets in case you guys want to change clothes." With that he left and a tall beautiful, pregnant woman came to us and pulled on my horse.
That hut was one of the huts in the middle. It was made out of red clay and the roof out of piles of sticks. When we entered it there was a fire burning and it was getting hot in there. I felt like I just entered an oven. There was a pile of clothes and blankets on one side of the room. I walked over to it and the garments were just like the type we were wearing. I sighed in relief that I wouldn't have to wear what the women in here were wearing. Their garments almost didn't cover anything up.
I picked the nicest clothes from the pile and took off to find Ezequel. I think it would have been better to ask him where I could clean up than Max. Plus me and Max aren't in any talking terms.
I found Ezequel talking to a woman and I waited patiently for him.
"Yes?" Ezequel questioned when he was done talking to the woman.
"Where can I wash up. It's been a long trip and I haven't washed up yet." I asked politely.
"Go right down there and there will be a lake. Hear for the waters cascading down from the waterfall. I promise you, you will be amazed."He said with a smile.
"We will see."I said with a smile of my own.
I started walking down to where Ezequel sent me. He wasn't lying I could here the waters cascading down. It sounded like lighting when it crashed down. When I came up to the water fall it was as if I entered a new universe. The water that flowed down glistened in the sunlight. Warm fog swam around me. Everything around it seem foreign. There were plants I never knew existed.
I dipped my toe in the water and it was warm. I started unbuttoning my pants. I kicked off my boots. It felt refreshing after wearing them for a long time. I started to unbutton my shirt.
"I'm glad you came to join me." I let out a scream and tried to cover myself up as much as I could. When I realized that wasn't going to work I hid behind a rock.
"You filthy bastard! Go to hell!" I yelled at the pig that has a mischievous grin on his face like it was the most normal thing to watch a woman undress.
"Been there. So tell me something else I don't know." Max said causally.
"I hate you." I glared at him and imagined him drowning.
"I can tell. It's radiating off of you. Hate. And is that some pride in there?"
"Ugh I'm leaving. You can just go back to hell."
"Stop. I'm sorry. I was just taking your advice."
"What advice?"
"Think about it."
Realization hit me and I said,"Oh. I knew that. You know now that I think of it, I like you grumpy. I'm still going to leave though."
"Why?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Umm because I ummm...." I said awkwardly. I couldn't look him in the face so I looked on the ground.
"You don't have to explain. I'll turn around for you."
I looked at him skeptically. I said."Fine. But if you turn around I'm going to kill you."
He turned around and I got in the water. I didn't take of my shirt in case I had to leave fast.
"You can turn around now." I said nervously.
"Why are you nervous?" Max said keeping his distance.
"Umm maybe it's because..... Never mind. I need to bathe and then leave. My brothers will be looking for me anyways."
"Aww too soon. But I think you're right."
"I'm always right." I said with a smile.
"I've noticed."
"Good. So you know not to test me."
"I wouldn't say that." He said with a smile.
"You know I think I like you better when you're quiet."
"I've also noticed you can't make up your mind. Annoying all the time and always have something to say."
"I didn't ask you to tell me what else of my wonderful traits I showed."
"I was just saying."
"I'm going to punch that smile off of your face." I said with a frown.
"What? Angry that my smile is better?" He mocked.
"Oh you want to play that game. I'm happy to play you."
"I would have figured."
"Don't you figure everything? And tell people what to do? And act like the world is at your finger tips."
"Like I said I do not act like that."
"If you say so. There is only one way to find out."
"What is that?"
"Let's ask people Mr. Bossy."
"Okay. I'm sure people will agree with me."
"Yeah. Sure. Why not." I went underwater before I could hear what he had to say. I was done for one day. I was tired and exhausted. All I wanted to do is sleep.
I rinsed off the dust from my hair and rose back up. Max was gone and I sighed in relief. I leaned against a rock and shut my eyes. The rock was cold against my skin but it felt good to finally have something to lean on to.
"You didn't think I left?" Max said coming out of no where. I jumped a little started by his voice again.
"What's up with you and jumping out of no where?" I asked Max. Of course you can never get rid of a pest.
"I'm not scaring you am I?" He mocked.
"No. You're invading my privacy."
"Well than I'll leave if you'd like. I'll just let all the bad things that creep in the woods get you. Obviously you don't need me." He said turning around.
"Wait. What kind of bad things?"
"You don't know? I'll tell you. There is this mystical creature that the Natives believe in. He comes out and night and kidnaps beautiful woman. And they are not seen ever again."
"If they are not seen again, how do they know."
He shrugged and said,"Beats me. The Natives here are always right." He turned around and started walking away." Stupid bastard.
"Wait don't leave."
"Why? Are you scared? Aww little Esmeralda is scared." He teased.
"Shut up. You scared me. So shut up. Let me wash my clothes and change. Turn around and face that tree. I won't take long."
"Okay Ms. Bossy."
"You can't steal my word."
"I can always leave."

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