Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

That night I didn't go down to dinner, I pretended that I was ill. My parents came home last night and they came to check on me. They wore worried expressions but I convinced them it would pass. With that they stood up and left me to rest.
I didn't get much rest last night though. My back was killing me. It felt like someone was tearing at my back. My shoulder blades felt like they were being pulled out. I clawed at the bed hoping to stop my whimpers. My pillow was wet with my tears. The pain came and went.
When I got up from bed it took all my effort not fall on the floor. I dressed myself and tied the corset as tight as possible. I went downstairs extra early so my parents wouldn't ask why I was bent over. I sat at the dinning room table and the maids started filling it up. My parents and brothers came down at their usual hour.
"Good morning darling. Did you have a bad night? You look exhausted." My mother said a little worried.
"Good morning mother. I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep last night. To much noise." I said as cheerfully as possible. My mother looked skeptical but started eating.
I reached to grab a biscuit and than the pain came back. This time harder than the last time. I tried to hide the pain. I tried to suppress the tears that threatened to come out. I clenched my other hand under the table and my other hand started shaking.
I thought the pain couldn't get any worse but I was wrong. A second surge of pain flew threw me rattling my bones, shaking up everything inside of me. I couldn't take it anymore. I slammed my hands on the table and I than another surge came one after another. I could hear my family call at me but it seemed like they were talking to me from a mile away. Their voices were muffled and everything in front of me was a blur.
Then one last surge of pain came. It was the most strongest than the others. I stood up strait and screamed my lungs out. I could hear my corset tare up. My dress started ripping to pieces and all the pain left like it never was there. I let out big puffs of air and I leaned up against the table. My back felt heavier as if something was on top of it. I knew something was different about me.
I looked down at myself and I was only wearing the thin gown I put on before I put my corset. I looked up and my parents were looking at me with horror on their faces. With that look I knew they weren't going to accept me. I collected whatever dignity I had and walked away from the dining room. When I made sure that I was safely away I ran to my room. Soon to be empty.
I caught a glimpse at myself into bedroom mirror and I stopped to see what my parents saw. I saw gray dark wings clinging to my back. They were huge compared to my body. They looked foreign on me. I reached to ruffle them and they were as soft as a newborn baby's hair. I shuttered and turned away from my reflection.
They probably think I'm an abomination.
I sat on my bed. I didn't know what to do now. What am I suppose to do? I mean my parents never knew about this. Not even I. How would have any of us guessed that I was an angel and that would sprout my wings any moment after I turned 16.
Someone came through the door. I sat up and when I saw who it was I sat back down on my bed.
"Your family wants to talk to you." Max was standing at the door way. I looked at him with doubt in my eyes. How would they want to talk to me after this? They probably are going to tell me to leave. He gave me a sympathetic look and grabbed my bath robe. He took out his pocket knife and cut slits in it. He put my wings through the slits and folded them in. They strained when he folded them close but they stayed folded.
We went down to the library together. I stopped at the doorway and looked at the ground. I was ashamed to look at them. I don't think I'll be able to look them in the eyes.
"Esmeralda." My father said softly. I looked up and he patted the seat next to him so I would be in the middle of my parents.
I ran towards them with tears in my eyes. I was filled with joy that they didn't reject me like I thought they would. I sobbed into my father's shoulder and my mother patted my head and rubbed my neck.
"There there sweetie. It's okay. We still love you no matter what." My mother said comfortingly.
"Don't you ever forget that. You are our daughter no matter what. And we will care for you till the end of our days." My father said. I looked up at them in between tears. These are the most important people of my life and I wouldn't know what to do without them.
"I love you." I whispered.
"We love you too sweetie." My mother said.
"So what exactly are you?" Brian said nonchalantly. His face didn't show disgust. It was calm like there was nothing of a difference in me. I looked at Xavier and his face was mixed with awe and excitement.
"I don't know Max said I was an angel he won't tell me anything." I said wiping the tears away. My voice sounded horse.
"Oh my god you are a human pegasus!" Xavier busted out of no where. Everything was silent and we all busted out laughing. After wards my mother scolded at him to apologize.
"No she is not. She is something special. She is a new creature." Mac said after we controlled our laughter.
"Don't call me that. You're making me feel strange." I said annoyed that he called me creature.
"I thought you already did?" Brian said with a smirk. I glared at them and my parents could only shake their heads.
"Can I ever get rid of these things?" I said fiddling with the feathers that I could reach.
"You can't take them off but you can hide them so that they will be invincible to the human eye. Even with a bare back." Max replied.
I stood up and said." Do it."
"I can't do it. Only you can."
"Oh. Well let's get to it. I want to get rid of these things as soon as possible."
"Why would you want to do that? It actually gives you a reason to be a freak." Xavier said with a smirk.
"Xavier apologize right now!" My mother scolded at him.
"I'm sorry. I'm just saying the truth." He said defensively. I glared daggers at him and sticked my tongue out at him.
"I'm going to be nice. Those wings are so beautiful they distract me from your horrid face." Brian said.
"Brian." My mother said sternly. The nerve on her temple started sticking out.
"I'm sorry." Brian smiled sheepishly.
"Well I think your wings are nothing compared to your face darling. Don't listen to your brothers." My father said.
"Why would you get rid of your wings sweety? They are so lovely." My mother asked, running her hands through my feathers.
I shrugged and said,"I don't like them. I feel like I'm no longer me with them."
"You will always be you. No matter what. Understood?" My mother said sternly.
"Yes mother." I fiddled with my robe.
There was a knock at the door and one of the maids came in. Her eyes widened and than she said,"I'll tell lady Heritage that lady Esmeralda isn't here. Is that alright?" Just as she was filled with awe she went back to being a professional. After many years serving us everyone knows that maybe growing wings is something that would happen in this house.
"Yes Sally. We have things to do now before we start getting company again." My mother said calmly as if it was any other day. The maid left and let us alone again.
"So my boy. Are you going to explain why are you here and who are you really? In all my years I've never heard of a Maximilian in the Temple history." My father said already getting to business.
"You are a good observer Charles. I am not related to Lady Temple. In fact I'm not from this world. I am an Angel as your daughter and I have sworn to protect her from the ones who want to bring harm to her. I don't doubt for a second that you could have taken better care of her. But as I said before I'm sworn to protect her for her birth parents who sadly won't see her for a long time." He looked at me with pity. The look made my blood boil but I didn't say a word.
"We will protect her no matter what. She is our sister and that's the only reason we need to give our lives for her." Xavier said. Brian nodded and looked annoyed.
"So how can we help?" My mother asked.
"By letting her leave with me. She has been to much time here and I'm afraid you have some pests under your wings. They haven't figured out that she is the one they are looking for. But it won't take them long to figure it out." Max said.
"If she leaves I'm going with her. I really don't trust you. Not yet." Xavier said.
"Count me in. I think it's time to look for adventures." Brian said with a smile.
"It's too dangerous. You drag us down." Max said sternly.
"Hold on a second. My daughter isn't going anywhere without my connect!" My father yelled.
"And she isn't leaving to somewhere, where she is being forced to go. If she wants to go, it's her decision. Not yours. I don't care who you are." My mother said.
"I agree." I said stubbornly. Max rolled his eyes and let out a huff.
"Why are you so stubborn?" Max asked annoyed.
"Why do you think your the king of everything? You know, you're really starting to sound like King George." I said annoyed.
"I do not." Max retorted.
"Than I am not." I smirked.
"Than it's settled it's Esmeralda's choice." My father said.
"What do you choose sweetie?" My mother asked.
"I don't know yet. I haven't had time. This is too much. I cannot bare to leave you guys. You're the most important people in my life. And if I do go what are you going to tell the townspeople?" I said softly. Everyone was silent for a while.
"Well whatever you choose we are all going to be there for you one way or another." My father said.
"We are a family and we stick together." My mother said.
"Even though my little sister is a freak at times." Brian said hugging me.
"And even though she can beat me up all the time." Xavier said and joining Brian.
We stayed like that for a while. It felt like seconds but it was probably minutes.
Xavier finally said,"Boy I'm hungry. Let's go eat so I can tame this monster." We laughed at Xavier. He could always make the best out of the worst.
We walked at the table and it was like the maids read our minds. The food was set and it was hot. I piled my plate high.
"Why do you eat a lot?" Brian said.
"Yeah you eat more than me." Xavier said. I only shrugged and continued eating.
"It's because she is an angel. Angels need more nutrients than humans. That's why many pray on humans. Humans have enough nutrients to keep them fed for a week. They are known as vampires here." Max said as if he were a school teacher teaching two children who didn't pay attention. Xavier's and Brian's faces were priceless. All I could do is look at them like food and they shut up for the rest of the time.
We all finished at the same time but went different ways. I followed my mother down to the plantation.
"Mother I need advice." I said catching up to her.
"Well what do you want me to tell you? This is my first time you know?" She said. I smiled at her attitude.
"I don't know if I should leave. What do you think?"
"I think you should do what your head and heart tells you what to do. But listen more to your head than to your heart in this situation."
"I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want any of you guys to get hurt. But I'm going to miss you and I don't think I can live without seeing you every day."
"I know you will survive. Just pretend it's like when we leave to attend to business. But this time you are the one leaving to attend the business."
"Why are you acting so cool about it? Why aren't you freaking out?"
"Because the moment we found you, I knew you were special. I prepared myself for everything. And it's only right for a mother to take control."
"You know you should get an award for being the best mother ever."
"I know." She said smiling.
I hugged her tightly and said," I know what I'm going to do. I hope it's the right choice. Meet me up in the library after your finished."
I ran inside and gathered everyone in the library. We waited until my mother came. When she came in she sat down and I started to talk.
"I have decided to leave. But I am not leaving with Max only. I'm taking my brothers if it's alright with everybody." Max was about to interrupt but I stopped him. I continued,"I don't care if Max says no. I need people I trust with me. I'll try to visit you guys every now and than. But out of this town. This town is your safe town. And me simply being here will put your lives in danger. I'm going to plan my own death. I will be buried with grandma and after my burial I will leave. Give me time to say good bye to my friends and I will be on my way with Max and my brothers." Everyone was quiet for a moment processing what I said.
"Sounds like a plan. You know you should be a general." Brian said.
"Brian De La Dollores is that a complement I hear?" I said with fake surprise. He rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Do I get to kick people's butts?" Xavier asked?
"Yes. I think so." I said skeptically.
"I'm in. Oh this is going to be a bunch of fun." Xavier said bouncing with excitement.
I looked at my parents and they had a face of pride. I knew they were happy for my decision.
"Well let's get started. We don't have time to burn." Max said.

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