Chapter 28

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Standing outside Lesley townhouse, Gavril knew something was wrong with him. It hadn't been as hard as it should've been to find out where she lived. The buzzing of bug against the streetlamp was the only sound the broke up the silence of the streets, aside from the sound of rushing traffic in the back ground.

He didn't know what he sought standing outside, hidden in the shadows of the trees. He pressed the flat of his hand against the tree, the buzz in his blood growing to a pitch that caused him to grit his teeth.

Closing his eyes against it, he felt restlessness but closed his at his left, a visible sign as for how he tried to control his urge to fight, and conquer. This curse blood that flowed through his veins, had damned him as surely as anything else could have.

Lifting his gaze, he found the upper floor window open. And stiffened when he saw Lesley, she sat on the windowsill. Her eyes staring at the sky above, her expression was despondent yet filled with longing, as she slowly lifted her he watched as she stroked it slowly as her eyes drifted down from the sky to the palm she touched. She slowly rubbed in circles, her brow creasing seeming to be lost in thought. She swung her legs back over, giving him her back as she stood inside her room and disappeared from sight.

After a few moments, the door to the townhouse open and Lesley stepped out, with now purse or keys in sight she shut the door behind her and skipping down the stairs she started walking. Curious, and fearing for her safety he followed her keeping a good distance.

She shoved her hands into her pockets, as she continued arriving at the end of the block, she turned the corner and he realized she was going to take the train. Keeping his distance, he wondered where she was going so late.

She didn't once look behind her, as she waited for the train to come. She stared at the tips of her shoes as if contemplating something, he had to tell himself several times not to simply approached her. He was curious about her and wanted to know everything about her.

As she jerked her head up when the train came, he quickly followed keeping a distance in the crowd of night goers and partiers. He was surprised seemed to notice her, Lesly held an air around her that constantly pulled his eyes, yet he never noticed others seeing her. Most seemed to avoid her, when the train stopped she stood. Glancing only once over to the loud teens in the corner, their laughter having drawn her attention.

He saw the dark look that came to her eyes, before she forced herself to look away and unboard. Quickly pushing through the crowd, he continued following her until he realized where they were headed as she started walking across the Brooklyn bridge.

Feeling weariness, he paused and when she did.


"How long are you going to follow me?"

Serin turned, and faced Gavril who seemed to have thought she hadn't noticed him during the long trek to arrive at the bridge.

His green eyes were as bright as ever, it felt like even night could reach them. "You knew?"

She nodded, how could she notice him. Everything about him she could almost feel, turning away from him she stared out over the long river, "It was hard not to," she gave a small smile, "I kind of expected after your performance this morning."

Stepping towards her, he stopped by her side. "...I didn't mean to fight your family."

Glancing at him, she scoffed, "Right, because you've suddenly found a love for vampires." Turning around she fully faced him, her dark brown eyes searched his face, "What if...what if I were a vampire, how would you treat me then?" Her voice had grown soft, and now her eyes avoided his eyes. "Would you reject me?"

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