Chapter 13

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Author: Comments, please I need to know if I'm going in the right direction ppl lol

Gavril stared at the footage that Anghel had on his computer. He'd been having a hard time concentrating after his argument with his sister. Anghel had called him to his office just in time.

Seeing the video of a young women driving up the front of the hospital he was surprised to see her calm action of walking inside and garnering the attention of the nurse behind the desk.

He watched as she let them pull him from her car, before she seemed to purposely fadeout of sight. And before he realized it she had driven off.

"Is this all you have?" He asked, leaning forward to press the space bar to pause the video on the females face.

Anghel nodded, chewing on the edge of his pen. "Yep, tried to get Julia to find more but she said after that it's nothing but traffic back and forth."

He turned his seat to face Gavril, who moved back and leaned his hip against the window sill. "No one at the actual scene remembers her face. I've tried even ID'ing her but nothing has come up in the data-base so I'm sure she isn't a criminal."

His eyes narrowing in thought, Gavril asked. "Is there in any females who match her profile in the area around there."

Anghel spun around, "Far ahead of you," He picked up a file and lifted it, Gavril took it. "There's a young florist who just opened up shop two blocks away from where you were beaten."

Gavril opened it seeing the papers inside, his flipped them up. "No picture?"

Anghel shook his head, "Apparently she just arrived here, so we couldn't get anything like that. But the address is there, so we can send someone to check it out."

"I'll go."

"Huh?" Anghel looked up at him confused, "You? But you don't usually do this kind of thing."

Gavril shrugged closing the folder, tapping it against his leg. "I guess I do now, plus I want to get some air."

Anghel slowly nodded watching Gavril walk out of his office he frowned. He knew that D'or had gone to talk to Gavril about finding his bride, but he wasn't sure what happened.

Turing his attention back to his computer he wondered if his brother would ever move passed their mothers death. Then again he was the last one to push his brother into it. He pulled a gun from under his desk, holstered it before grabbing his coat and heading out.


Now standing outside Gavril wondered at how he could get closer to the cute Florist. He usually took more time in 'hunting' down his women but he was sure if he waited too long another would take his place.

As he got into his car he looked up, seeing her in the window talking on the cell phone. His eyes narrowed, something was definitely off with her reaction to his questions. But she hadn't denied saving a person, and more importantly she hadn't recognized him.

He shouldn't feel annoyed about such a small detail considering he'd been black and blue from being beaten but it did annoy him.

Getting into his car, he noticed the sign that was hanging in the window.

"We Deliver starting October 27th."

He smirked, this wouldn't be his only run in with his cute savior. His smirk turned serious, he still needed to find out who killed those three men but he could enjoy the investigation a lot more with his new toy.

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