Chapter 10

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"Where are they?"

Ryan back faced those who stood still in the study. The trees outside cast dark shadows on the Persian carpet.

Charles sent a silent look to Julie who shook her head. The Romans had dealt with harder leaders, than the Cardinal, but not as dangerous.

He turned around, his face blank of any emotion. But all those in room, couldn't ignore the tensions rolling from his shoulders.

"The Yorins—." His mouth worked, "Have managed to just slip away."

"How?" He asked, his voice low, before with a suddenness that took the heads of the coven aback he slammed his fist into the heavy oaken desk causing it to split in half. "HOW!"

He shook his head slowly, his blue eyes stormy as he glared at them. "I will say this once, you may all believe that your safe due to the Hive's absents, but let me assure you," He grinned his eyes malicious.

Rouges who'd been standing outside of the study where all the heads had gathered entered. Their eyes full of blood lust. "I am fully capable of dispatching my enemies. Bring me my wife, before I am left with no other option but to kill one person after another to find even a speck of a clue as to her where-a-abouts. Are we understood?"

Those in the room all nodded their agreement, but Charles could feel the underlying animosity against Ryan rising in the blank eyes of the family leaders.


"Tell me...where is my wife?"

Cardinal, formerly known as Ryan stared at the smiling women who was barely covered by the sheets inn his bed. Her eyes were focused on glass orb that stood on a pedestal in front of the fire place. Her long raven locks fell down her back in waves, "Can you truly not find her with your magic Soeun?"

Seductively, Soeun turned, the sheet slipped from her shoulder, revealing ancient Latin covering her back. Her heavy lidded brown eyes focused on Cardinal, "I told you love—where ever they sent her, she is out of reach." She leaned forward leaving her sitting position, to press her lips to his neck.

He let out a curse, glaring at the glass orb, "We were so close to having her power fully in my grasp." He felt the usual feelings of rage climbing his neck, and with his rage came the need to change. He observed as his hand became black and the nails lengthen, he flexed them. "From the moment I saw her, I knew she would be the one to get the spark, that she would be mine to use. It all went so perfectly..."

He turned his attention to Soeun as she lifted her head and stared into his eyes, "Thanks to Markus and Lucien we've come this far."

Soeun captured his lip, and they shared a heavy kiss, before she pulled back her chest heaving from not breathing. "Hah, Lucien kills Serin for the jealous Bitch, Markus bites the wrong spot due to my direction. And Luvig had no choice but to give his gift to her," She smirked. "And my love becomes the owner to a coven and its leash."

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled Soeun closer, "But I couldn't have done it without my beautiful Alter, Soeun." He whispered as he pulled her closer, his lips claiming hers once again.

Their love making was loud and wild, as usual Julie stood downstairs her lips quirked in a smirk as she dialed Charles and told him the where-a-bouts of the cardinal.

She wasn't going to reveal the Cardinals affair anytime soon, as of right now the Roman family was the Cardinals royal vassals, but when Serin returned and they were assured she was no longer under his hold..., well that was for later.


Walking towards the front of my store, I stopped and sighed it wasn't all bad. The day that is, so I accidently murdered three guys. I could be currently dealing with a police investigation and/or dealing with Cleo.

After few minutes, I realized I'd been standing outside of my store for five minutes just staring at it.

A few people had even given me weird looks, shaking off my day-dreaming. I dug into my purse for my keys.

"Ms. Rice?"

Pausing in my search for my keys I looked up only to meet bright green eyes.

My heart thumped. Placing my hand over it, I winced. Lowering my eyes, I took a deep breathe. My heart didn't do little jigs on it's on, swallowing I tried to steady it's rhythm.

"Are you okay?"

The person asked, I raised a hand to fend them off. "Yes," I glanced at the person from the corner of my eyes, "I'm fine."

Once my heart was back to normal rhythm, I faced the other fully. If I hadn't seen my fair share of handsome people I would have been seriously in shock by the man's face.

He was handsome in a way that made me think of Gaelic warriors on the covers of Highland romance novels. His blonde hair was combed back, and the suit he wore seemed out of place on his fit body, a long trench coat added to his allure.

Clearing my throat, I squinted my eyes in an effort to diminish the appearance of the hot man in front of me...didn't work.

"I am Ms. Rice. How can I help you?"

He didn't say anything but his eyes sharpened, and I felt them scan my person. Feeling slightly violated and a little bit insulted when he scoffed under his breathe I snapped.

"Did you need something, or..."

He nodded, I winced in pain when a piece of his hair fell on his forehead. What the hell, was god playing at tossing this man on my door step?

"I was—I mean, we are looking into three man who were murdered recently." He reached into his coat pocket.

Meanwhile, I was having a mental panic. As I felt a chill run down my spine, "A-a murder?"

He nodded, pulling out a card he held it out for me to take. "There's evidence that they were in this area." His expression was grave as I took the card, "Its believed that they were last seen here after dealing with a customer."

"Not—No, I h-haven't seen anything, you know. Not in this area." Did I just stutter? Okay back track, straighten back, meet his gaze directly. Oops, big mistake.

He looked me over again, before glancing at my door. "You work here?"

I nodded, "Yes, actually I own it."

"Oh, so maybe you would have noticed something when you closed." He stepped forward, "Or did you perhaps drop off a person at a hospital?"

Blank. Absolute nothing came to mind, what happens when a vampire loses her ability to speak? Disaster maybe.

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