Chapter 21 Bloody Experiment

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“I know you do. I know both of you know what it’s like to be ordered around and left in the dark. Trust me, I know.” Tyler stopped. Sam and Dean weren’t sure what to say and apparently she wasn’t either.

“Then are you an angel?” Dean asked. He’d met a fallen angel before but even she was unlike Tyler.

“Not quite.” She sighed before looking at her hands trying to find a way to describe it. “It’s more of a mixed breed thing. Like a lab experiment. A monster.” Dean was stunned to silence. He knew angels were dicks and all but he preferred them to demons. At least usually. Sam however knew what she was talking about.

“You’re not a lab experiment. You are human, just with some angel blood mixed in. At least you’re not inherently evil.” Sam gauged her reaction as he tried to lighten the atmosphere. She didn’t take it well.

“Sam, I can never be normal again. The tattoo on my back is proof enough.” Tyler sat back letting her body stretch out.

“Nobody ever said you could be normal.” Dean answered her.

“And people do get tattoo’s you know.” Sam said smiling again. Tyler laughed sounding almost cheerful.

“You know before the fight with that golem that tattoo didn’t exist. I knew something would happen but I wasn’t sure what.” She chuckled and Dean turned to Sam.

“You were right Sammy. It wasn’t there before.”

“Indeed he was.” Tyler looked at them unsure of how to continue. “I have no idea of what destiny awaits me or what roles you play. But if we continue together then you can’t turn your back on me. You can’t just wander off in search of something or someone. But most importantly you have to remain brothers until the end. Whatever happens both of you must come before anything else.”

Dean looked at her like she was telling his future. She believed every word she said to them and he knew she meant it. Sam knew she meant it but he thought there was something she wasn’t telling them still. Sam was sure that she knew more about what was going to happen than what she was telling them but he decided to let it be for now.

“Great! So who wants to go demon hunting?” Dean asked rubbing his hands together. Sam chuckled and Tyler looked at him with a raised eyebrow but didn’t question.

“I’ll go check for demonic signs.” Sam sighed getting up to trudge off to his computer but Tyler snorted.

“Sam, the demon isn’t leaving. He’s still here, we just have to find him.” She smirked.

“How can you be sure?” Dean asked, as curious as Sam. Tyler waved her hand showing them some of her frustration.

“He’s a demon in a meat suit. He’s been very successful so far and he’s getting accustomed to his home. While he knows he may have to leave soon he also knows that we know about him but he’s not sure if we know which body he’s in. He’s in damage control mode now.” She explained quickly before going to the window and slowly, barely moving the drapes and peering out.

“Alright so where do we start?” Dean asked clearly trying to baffle her. She scratched her chin before answering him.

“We can check on Caleb. I was sure he was the demon and it’s not often that I’m wrong. But I think there’s more going on here.” She said slowly.

“What do you mean?” Sam asked her, not following her thoughts.

“I think that he was too genuinely scared to be anything but a demon. He knew things had been happening at the lake. And even though he was a geek most boys would have tried to protect a girl.” She said as she got up and grabbed her leather jacket.

“I’m not so sure.” Sam said quickly. “That thing was freaky and I don’t think anyone would just stand there to protect a girl. You’re assuming he had a backbone.”

“I still think we should check him out.” She said as she rolled her eyes.

“Alright so how about we go?” Dean said ending their conversation.

“We should only take one car.” Tyler said as they walked out the door of the motel.

“We’re taking the impala.” Dean said with finality. Tyler shrugged. Whatever makes him feel better. My baby will be okay for a bit.

“Sam, can you find out where he lives?” Tyler said as she slid into the back seat of Dean’s car.

“I highly doubt it.” Was Sam’s response. “We’ll have to go to the lake and see if he’s there again. But after last night, I doubt it.” He grinned at Tyler. She just grunted.

“But he looked like he was in high school so maybe he goes to the local high school.” Dean added as they drove to the lake.

“I’d say he was a high school senior or a college freshman.” Tyler said resting her arms on the front seats as she leaned forward to look out the front window. When they got there they scanned the crowd but didn’t see anyone who looked even similar to Caleb. Dean got out and took a closer look at the people there but didn’t see him just as Sam had predicted so he got back into the impala with a heavy sigh.

“So, who’s going to check out the high school?” She asked and all three stared at each other. “I guess we’ll all go.” Tyler decided already tired.

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