Chapter 20 Repeating the Past

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It never even occurred to the brothers that the angels would try something like the demons. That they would abandon a little girl to her fate and hope she chose the right path. A while ago the brothers would have hunted her as they had anything and it seemed like someone had indeed done that. Which meant she’d been left with only angels for company.

Tyler sat on the couch staring at the floor and not looking up. She was clearly waiting for Sam and Dean to do something. Say something, anything. Sam didn’t know what to say. When he’d first heard angels were real he’d been ecstatic, until he’d met them. Then he learned they were dicks.

“What do you mean it didn’t quite work like they planned?” Dean asked curious. Tyler looked up at him to see curiosity in his eyes. She searched for something else but Dean stood under her scrutiny and stared right back at her reading the pain and loneliness.

“The angels appeared before my mother and father asking to have their firstborn child. My mother cried but gave them consent not knowing what to do when my dad was away. My dad wasn’t a hunter but was a marine so he was away doing something. I never knew what, he was black ops and special forces. He trained me to protect myself because my mother had told him what she had done and he hadn’t taken her seriously. Hell, he sent her to a doc to get checked. They gave her pills and sent her home.” Tyler was struggling to keep her mask on by now.

“So they came before you were even born?” Sam asked confused. Tyler nodded.

“They came again when I was seven. By then I had a younger brother and sister. Mom was off her meds and had forgotten about the angels. I guess I had a guardian angel but when they actually came my mother took me outside and kissed me telling me how sorry she was over and over again. I of course didn’t understand why she’d taken me out. I was perfectly capable of handling them.” She smirked before continuing.

“Dad taught me how to wield a knife and how to sneak around and so much more. I was a regular little ninja. But that didn’t last. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t in there protecting my brother and sister but my mother hid me in the tree and went back inside. Dad was home at that time and I could hear them yell and scream. The angels wanted to make sure I was going to survive. I didn’t hear everything but the gist of it was that they’d been coming every year on my birthday and dripping a little angel blood down my throat.”

“And you didn’t know about it?” Dean asked. “Thought you were a ninja.”

“They’re angels Dean.” Sam said. “You know how Cas appears next to us without a sound.” Dean nodded.

“Sorry Ty. I was just expecting something special about you.” Dean explained. Tyler held her hand up silencing him.

“This is hard Dean. Shut the fuck up.” Letting her hand down Tyler pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged herself. “That day they had a bowl that was for me. It was the day before my birthday but they were going to take me away that night. They said I had until midnight to say goodbye to my family. My dad didn’t exactly take the news well.” She laughed dryly almost cruelly. “He tried to kill them. I heard and I tried to come rescue them but I was too late. The angels had them and my mother had already told them that they would never stop until they found me. I tried to free them but the one snapped his fingers and I couldn’t move. I begged and begged them to leave my family alone but it was useless. In the end I couldn’t save them.”

“I’m so sorry Ty.” Sam said. Dean looked at her with pity in his eyes. At least neither brother had watched all their family die in front of them. Especially their mother and by angel’s hands no less.

“You said your dad trained you, but it’s not just his training is it? You can track better than most hunters and you know things that aren’t even close to common knowledge.” Dean questioned almost knowing there was more to the story. Tyler nodded.

“Yeah the next years were like my own personal hell. I was forced to learn and train for my own survival. I lived, I almost died several times. But they always saved me. Telling me not to screw up. They were my company and I grew fond of them as years passed. But they came less often. After all I was growing up. They still came every once in a while to pump me full of angel blood though.” Tyler grimaced making a face.

“How’d they do it? You had to sense them.” Sam said furrowing his eyebrows. Tyler unfolded herself rubbing the back of her head, and to Sam she looked like she was ashamed. “How’d they get it in you I mean?”

“Yeah, I could sense them. They drilled obedience into my head from the first day. Death was the penalty for mistakes and disobedience. Never my own, always someone else’s somewhere down the road. So when they placed a bowl filled to the brim with angel blood and told me to drink it I didn’t question. I didn’t stop. I’d glare but I did it.” Blood rushed to her cheeks as she spoke quickly like she was trying to get it over with.

“I understand.” Dean said. Tyler shook her head but let it go. No, you don’t get a thing. But that’s okay. I feel like I have a family again and I don’t want to lose it, again.

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