Chapter 12 Paranoia

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“I completely agree. There’s some things that just don’t add up right now.” Dean said as they got out of the Impala. Sam didn’t say anything as Dean knocked on the door. Nobody answered and the brothers looked at each other.

“Tyler?” Sam called as he knocked on the door again.

“Sam? Dean?” Tyler said as the door suddenly opened. “Come in. And watch the salt line.” She ordered letting them in and shutting the door behind them. It was only then that Sam noticed she had a silver knife that she was holding behind the door.

“A bit paranoid aren’t you Tyler?” Sam said as Dean made himself comfortable on one of the beds. Tyler scoffed and raised her eyebrow at him.

“If you can afford to be careful then isn’t it best to cover your tracks and check your six?” She asked him going to the mini fridge and pulling out three waters before chucking one at Dean who was now laying back on the bed. Then she opened one and tossed the other to Sam who was silent and thinking about her statement.

“Did you check to see if the geek was a demon?” Dean asked sitting up.

“No. But I get the feeling that if he isn’t our demon he has something to do with it.” She said leaning against the wall.

“So why didn’t you check?” Dean asked again still confused. Is he really this stupid?

“Because that would have alerted the demon to hunters. As it is we can check out the date Caleb set up for Tyler and I while making sure he is our water demon.” Sam said breaking his silence.

“Speaking of which I didn’t get a chance to listen in on your conversation with him Sam. What’s the plan for tonight?” She said draining the bottle before throwing it across the room and into the trashcan.

“It’s a surprise picnic on the lakeside with-”

“Woah! Date on the lakeside at night? Were you trying to make yourself bait Sammy?” Dean interrupted Sam as he told Tyler the plan. Dean could feel something was not right about this and he didn’t like his little brother going in. He hadn’t known Tyler long enough to trust her with his brother.

“Dean, we have to solve this. I will keep your brother safe tonight. I promise.” Tyler said sitting down next to Dean.

“How do I even know you can protect yourself? Last time I saw you, you were storming out of our motel hurt! I’ve never seen you take anything other than that wendigo on and-” Tyler cut Dean off.

“And who’s fault was it that I was injured in the first place? If you hadn’t tried to handle that case before you were ready I wouldn’t have had to save your asses!” Both were standing now and glaring at each other. They were dangerously close and Dean’s hands were clenched in fists ready to go at it with the girl. Sam could practically feel the waves of rage emanating from Tyler, even as she had to look up at Dean.

“Why don’t we all calm down.” Sam stood and towered over both of them.

“Sammy you saw how major that demon was! I can’t let you go in with her.” Dean growled not taking his eyes off Tyler.

“That’s not your choice.” She snapped clearly tense. Her hands weren’t clenched in fists but that didn’t mean she couldn’t take Dean down. I can take him so easily he won’t even see it coming. Come on Ty, control. Don’t let the bastard under your skin.

“He’s my little brother! I’ll be damned if I let him go off with a girl!” Dean snapped right back at her. Her eyes narrowed and for a second Dean wondered if he had gone too far.

“Then why don’t we have him go with you. That bastard wants a girl to take then he can take you cause when I’m done with you your male bits won’t exist!” She growled and Dean scoffed. Sam could tell this was about to get bloody.

“You couldn’t take me without a gun, sweetheart.” The two were still glaring at each other but Tyler sneered at Dean’s remark. “I outweigh you and outclass you. I’ve been training since I was a kid.” Dean took a step closer to her forcing her to raise her head if she wanted to meet his eyes.

“You think?” She managed to grind out. Dean nodded smugly. “Alright hotshot, let’s see if you’re all you think you are.” Dean’s smug grin didn’t drop but Sam could tell he was slightly nervous. She seemed very confident and the brothers couldn’t help but wonder what she had up her sleeve.

Sam helped them move the beds against the wall and push the table that occupied the center of the room against the wall to give the two of them space to duke it out.

“Why don’t we talk this out instead?” Sam tried neither one said anything but stopped moving furniture to glare at each other. “We can’t go catch this son of a bitch if you’re bruised Tyler.” Sam tried to appeal to the girl’s rationale side. Her light laughter filled the room making Sam blink and Dean scowl.

“You actually think he’s going to land a hit on me?” She chuckled again, lazily rolling her shoulders. “You two don’t know a thing about me.” With that she motioned for Dean to come at her. He grinned and inched forward hands raised ready to defend himself. She simply smiled, her hands at her sides as she balanced on the pads of her feet, her eyes sparkling wickedly. Then Dean took his first swing at her.

So tell me what you think!

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