15. P.E Play

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15. P.E Play

If there's anything I've learned from five years of high school, it's that; If you ever want to fit in and have regular friends- Stay under the radar. You have to blend into the background. Don't get noticed. But then, as you get older, towards the end, you start to realize that it really doesn't matter what people think of you and it defiantly doesn't matter what people say.

It's like what I say: Fuck it.

You don't know where life can take you, and if you don't take the risks, you might regret it. So, sometimes it's okay to colour out the lines, the stand out... But always stand out for the good reasons in yourself.

So that's how I found myself walking into school in my bright blue skinny jeans, Avenged sevenfold band tee and a leather jacket with my black 6" heals- Nervous as Fuck.

I got a few looks from the other girls in my year but I didn't give them a time of the day- if they wanted to whispered- Let the games comense. But I'm not suprised, I've always blended in and tried not to be seen and lets face it, I was good at that. But I not so sure how I'll do in the spotlight, but hey; I'm going for it.

Form wasn't very eventful, but first lesson would be and I knew it. As I walked down to English, there was some girls behind me from my year

"I heard that she's dating Blake Samuels" one of them said, her voice dripping with raw jealously

"though god knows how..." another trailed off

"she must be good in bed or somet"

I nearlly chocked on air on the last comment, that was not what I thought people would be woundering.

All eyes were on me when I went in, just as the bell went and casually I walked to my seat before dropping down "morning," I greeted the teacher

"er, yes, hi Myra" he stumbled over his words before typing away on the keyboard.

I could feel Blake's and Eliot's eyes burning wholes in the back of my head and I smirked "you know," I mumbled turning to face them "a picture lasts longer" I winked before leaning against the wall.

Blake smirked pulling out his phone and snapping a photo while the teacher was facing the other way "thanks for the advise, babe"

I rolled my eyes "you'll need it"

The next thing I knew, Blake climbed out of his chair and slid over the table. I also noticed that he had put a bit of extra effort in for today, clean trainers and jeans? Bad boy could clean up nice. He slid into the vacant chair next to me, leaving Eliot on his own. I leaned over to Eliot and whispered "do you know what your doing in this class?"

He smiled smugly, crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes "of course"

"Blake don't leave him, he actually know what to do!" I hissed playfully. Though of course I was getting B's and A's in all my subjects, I didn't need Eliots advise

Blake smirked leaning closer "shut up and kiss me," he whispered

I pushed back "I don't know" I breathed, teasing him "maybe I don't want to" I bit my lower lip, knowing it'll drive his crazy

"you killing me here!" he whined pouting like a child

I smiled and leaned in pecking my lips against his and whispered "later" before turning back to Eliot "yo"

He chuckled "yo? Seriously?"

"yup" I said popping the 'p' and they both chuckled at me

"you actually look hot" Blake whispered, making my whole face heat up with embarrassment, but I didn't smile or let my eyes widen or anything, just wishpered back

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