9. Samuels Manor

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9. Samuels Manor

Blake paid for the meal as promised and we walked out, back into the shopping centre halls "So, where do you live?" I asked, wanting desperately to change the mood, which was now really dark and full of thick tension. But Blake couldn't help it, I could tell he was trying to figure out why I wanted to stay with him for a few days.

"we're going there now, my mum and dad are at work so we'll have the house to ourselves" he sent a smirk my way

"as much as your smirk amuses me, that didn't answer my question"

He chuckled and shook his head, his face lighting up with his perfect grin- wait! Perfect grin? Where did that come from? I know I've kissed the guy, but I've never seen his grin as perfect before..? Great. Just great, I'm starting to really like the guy...

"I live in Wimpy estate" he said simply.

My eyes widened and I'm sure my jaw hit the floor "Wimpy?" I questioned, as if to make sure I heard him right. He nodded "as in Wimpy, Wimpy?" again, he simply nodded, trying not to burst out laughing "wow, rich fella"

He suddenly grimaced, as if being called rich was an offence "yeah... It's not as cool as it seems," he said lowly.

"trust me, I'd rather live in Wimpy over Yani any day of the week!" I reasoned with him. But lets be serious, I couldn't afford to step on Wimpy estate, let alone live there...

He chuckled dryly "nah, Yani eats Wimpey's for breakfast. Wimpey's full of old people and family homes. I just don't fit in..."

I wanted to tell him that he lived there, It can't be so bad, but I stopped myself, that would sound a bit creepy. "It can't be that bad..." I objected weakly, my leg now hurting more than a broken rib

He smiled softly "Let's just agree to disagree on this one" he looked over to me and seeing me struggling to walk "do, err, you want s-some help?" he stumbled over his words, a slight blush over his cheeks

I bit my lip and nodded slightly "It would help" I said quietly, my cheeks also reddening

He walked closer to me and put an arm around my waist and pulled my arm around his neck, he was instantly carrying most of my weight as we staggered up the hill and towards his house... And mine for a few days

"will your mum mind me staying for a bit, it's just..." I sighed, I couldn't tell him I was afraid Travis would decide to use me as a punch bag... But the things he did last night, they were no much worse than just a punch to the face, I would of much rather had another punch to the face than that knife. That stupid fucking knife, still wet with my blood on the kitchen surface. Oh God...

I didn't know I was crying or that we stopped until Blake ran the pads of his thumbs under my eyes to stop the tears

"I can't go back. Not yet!" I sobbed again, my voice sounding vulnerable and weak

"hey, hey..." he cooed, trying to get my erratic breathing to calm slightly "I don't care if you have to stay our house forever as long as your safe"

I nodded, my skin still soaked with tears but I forced him to move forwards and up the hill.

He turned down a drive to his house and I couldn't stop the gasp that left my lips- Rich was an understatement. He must be a millionaire or some shit!

His house! Oh god, his house! It must have been about five stories high! And it was big enough to have at least five rooms a floor!

And here's me living in a three bedroom apartment in Yani... My inner brain though bitterly. But I pushed the thought away, I was happy that Blake didn't have it rough like me or have to deal with the constant fears. I was still afraid to be near him since Travis' rampage, but I wanted him close, he somehow helped.

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