10. Questions

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10. Questions


That's what Travis carved on my back, Die, Jut three letters in the English laguage, d-i-e, nothing to sob about seperatley. Nothing to fear or cry about and deffinately nothing to feel threatened by. But once you put the letters together in one word in the correct order, they have a completely different meaing. Something that makes you want to crawl in a corner and scream and cry until there nothing left.

But I've tried that, it doesn't help. So instead, I carried on stripping and had a shower to try and dull the pain. It didn't work. The stinging was unbearlable making me cry out again, and making me want to collaspe. Oh god...

It took me almost an hour to wash off all the dried blood off and clean- as best as I coud- the newest scar. And lets just say my eyes were reder than any fight Ginger had been in and hurt ten times worse.

And so, once I had finished pulling my hair up into a messy bun and changed into the joggers and top, I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out. I looked horrible, I knew it, how could I not? But I didn't care? Refief ran through me when I saw Blake wasn't in his bedroom and I bit my bottom lip.

He would want to continue this conersation and I don't. He would want me to tell him everything and I don't . Sigh...

Pulling my phone out my bag, I hoped for a distraction, anything to help me forget that I was in Blakes house- I got on.

1 new message

I clicked on it, curiously and waited for it to load, when It did I read it

Marcus: Where are you? I'm worried!

I felt guilty instantly, I didn't tell Marcus where I was going, or the fact that I left. No note, no nothing. I sagged further into the bed and fiddled with my thumbs, should I tell him? Would he freak that I'm with Blake? He didn't seem to like him last time they met...

I sighed again deciding to go with my gut. Marcus deserved to know this what I had to endure; Travis was getting worse and we both knew it. But that was just stepping over the line. As soon as I diled, I tensed up, waiting for this conversation to happen.

I couldn't take it. I pushed the phone on my shoulder and pressed it against my ear as I walked around the room and tidying it slightly

"Hello? Myra? Is that you? I found the knife this morning and oh god! I should of-"

"-Hey Marcus" I said softly, effectivly cutting him off as I dropped my bag into the corner next to Blake's

"thank god! Where are you? What happened? Are you okay?"

I bit my lip, I wanted to tell him, I really did, but... "I'm at Blake's, would-"

"Blake? Is that the one who walked into your dressing room?" he sneered

"yes, now would you mind coming over? It's easier to show you..." I trailled off as a sob got caught in my throat. I shoved my clothes in my bag from the bathroom

"Sure, okay, erm, just text me the address. But one thing; does he know?"

I froze. Does he know? He's suspicious something is wrong... But does he actually know? "About Ginger yes, about home, no... I don't think so"

"right, okay. I'll be there as fast as I can, see ya later"

"bye" I ended the call and quickly texted him the address and stuffed my phone into my pocket.

I should go downstairs, I know I should but... What if Blake just decided he didn't want me anymore because I was broken? What if, after he saw all the scars on my back, he thought It wasn't worth having damaged goods?

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