Chapter 13: Love

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"Alright! I'm gonna set you down on the rooftop! Once you secure the object I will come get it from you outside. You understand you  chicken nuggets?" Disgust yelled. The mission had started. Team B was already ready to commence the mission but Disgust hasn't dropped them off yet. Love was ready but didn't know how this would turn out. He was worried how the Contractor changed a lot of the mission he, Hope, and Pain had worked on. He was happy to at least be grouped with Hope, Shame, and Joy. It was nothing against Acceptance but this was the first mission he's ever been with him. He was mostly nervous how the two would get along on the mission. He sighed. He's noticed Jade has been keeping an eye out on him. He's become skeptical of her. He wanted to pull her aside and talk about it but he wanted to keep his focus on the mission. He doesn't understand why everything has gotten so weird as of late. "Love, are you ready?" It was Jade. "Y-yeah, I'm ready as always." She nodded. "Good. Remember you are my second in command. I need you to be ready to tale lead at any point." Lubbock nodded to her. "Of course." She turned and walked towards the front. It was obvious she was talking to Disgust.

After a few minutes of the two talking, Jade walked back. "Alright! We are landing. We move quickly into the building!" The others nodded and got closer to the exit of the ship. They watched as the ship slowly landed onto the rooftop. "Alright chicken nuggets, move out!" Disgust yelled. The five members of Team A quickly ran off the ship and onto the rooftop of Leon Corps. Jade quickly got in front and led the team to the nearest door. "Love. I'm gonna need you to hack our way in. They have a padlock on the door." Love smirked he walked towards the fron popping his knuckles. "Alright, I'm gonna need y'all to back away. Give me a three minute timer." He knelt by the lock studying it. "Oh. This lock is simple. Wow to think they would have tried a little harder." Love said. He quickly hacked the padlock, unlocking the door. "Good job Love." Joy said. Love stood up and stepped to the side. "Well they call me the infiltration master for nothing." Love and Joy laughed. Shame opened the door. "After you boss." Jade looked to Shame and smiled. "Thanks. Love, Joy, Acceptance follow me. Shame I need you to get to their vehicle depot and make sure we can get a vehicle ready. I wanna be sure we have two possible exits." Shame nodded. He ran through the door. "Alright, the rest of you follow. We find the object." The three nodded and followed as Joy entered the building.

The building on the inside looked casual but fancy in a way. The hallways and such looked casual and nothing too crazy but the rooms looked very clean and nice. "Well, seems like Leon Corps have some money up their sleeves." Joy said in his usual happy tone. Love respects Joy for always being so happy. It's always good to hear that someone can be happy. "Keep your focus on the mission. Love can you find a way to cut the power?" Love shrugged. "By the looks of the building, once we hit the room with the object I can probably truck the system. Won't know till we reach it." Jade nodded. "Sounds good to me." Acceptance pointed at a door. "That room right over there has our object." Jade nodded. "Alright, we get in and a find a way to get how big this object is out."

They opened the door and all four ran in. "Well, you would think they'd have someone watching over it." Joy said with a sigh. "They must not know we are here." Acceptance said. Love wasn't paying attention after that. He had already located the object. It was bigger then they thought and there was no way they can carry that out. He stood up and pulled out a pistol. He aimed it at a big window and fired. Everyone quickly glanced at Love. "Well, they know we are here now. The object is too big. Were gonna need to push it out and have Disgust catch it." Love explained. Jade just raised an eyebrow. "How are we suppose to angle that perfectly?" Acceptance laughed. "Well, I can guide it. Remember I'm probably the best at air movements and such. I can get that thing to get in." Acceptance said, glancing out the window. "Well That's good and all guys but we have company!" Joy exclaimed. Coming into the room was two soldiers in suits. One was wearing a red suit the other in green. The two had dual pistols and katanas on their backs. Love stood up. "Acceptance, contact Disgust and have our plan ready." Acceptance nodded and quickly took out his radio. Love the  walked next to Jade and Joy. "You two wanna take the red one?" Love asked. "Let me guess you wanna kill greenie?" Joy said chuckling. "Of course, gotta show who's the better one in green." Jade sighed. "I'll keep back to protect Acceptance. You two deal with them." She slowly walked backwards to Acceptance. Love and Joy looked to eachother. "Teamwork?" Joy asked. "Yep. Lets show these wannabes what a real agent is." Love and Joy pulled out katana's. The two foes looked to eachother and did the same. "It will be fun killing you both." The man in the green suit said. Love just gave him a serious look. "Kill me? Well, I would love to take that bet."
Thanks for reading this so far! I have a question for yall so far! Who is your favorite Agent at this moment, and why? I would love to hear your responses! Thanks for the read! I really appreciate it!

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