Chapter 5: Pity

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"So Zane, Love and the others returned." Pity nodded. "I heard. The mission was a success. Only Trust was hurt, shot in the side." The two were inside the spectate room. They heard the door behind them open and close. Hope, Love, and Anticipation entered. "Hey Love, congrats on the successful mission." Joy said. He was a little shorter then the others and was always in a happy and cheerful mood. 'Thanks Joy." Love said. "I'm excited to see how this works out. A new agent is always exciting." Joy said, looking at Pity. "Eh, I just hope this new agent doesn't get beaten so badly by Hatred and Anxiety." Pity always hated watching fights. In his opinion, fights were mostly useless. The only people they should be fighting are their enemies. Against eachother only springs rivalry and puts us against eachother as he thinks. "Eh. I have a feeling this new agent can kick both of them. By the sounds of it this agent won't have a single issue." Anticipation said. She sat down next to Love with Hope sitting next to her.

The five agents saw Hatred and Anxiety enter the practice/sparring field. "This is gonna be great. I'm cheering for the new agent!" Joy said, cheerfully. Pity sighed. "Can you ever not be so happy? For once in your life." Joy looked at Pity and smiled. "Never! I'm always happy twenty-four seven!" Pity sighed and slammed his head into his hands. "Sometimes this whole project can be a drag." Joy walked over and patted his back. "C'mon Pity. You need to lighten up every once in awhile. Be happy! You're apart of the best team ever and get to kill enemies like once a week. It's fun." Pity chuckled a little. "Yeah, we are so very awesome. You really live in a fantasy, Joy." He really despises Joy. Pity has noticed that Joy never takes anything seriously. He hopes one day Joy gets what he deserves, but at the same time he fears that Joy is the weak link of the group. He's too nice and happy to be an assassin. He would rather talk things out then kill. Pity sighed and felt bad about thinking the worst of Joy. Pity never shows his appreciation for the others, but deep down he really cares for his family of assassins. They have always looked out for him and kept him safe throughout the years and he did the same.

"So anyone heard from that second mission that's going on currently?" Love said, breaking the awkward silence. "I heard Fury, Shame, and Despair are off on that one. They should be arriving to there destination in an hour or so." Joy said, cheerfully. "What is there mission?" Anticipation asked. "A simple search and take." Pity replied. He was there for the debriefing. He was suppose to go on that mission but Shame stepped in and wanted to go. Pity instead took the side job of watching this spar and relaying what he thought to the Contractor. Even though it's not killing, Pity is fine with being lazy. Most of his recent fights have been a drag to him so just resting up and having fun at home is exactly what seems good for him. He did wish Joy went on that mission. Joy hasn't gone on a mission in forever. It seems as if he isn't favored or needed as of recent. It's been freaking Joy out a little in which Pity just tells him to calm down and be patient. The truth though is Pity is scared for Joy. He knows how hard that can be on someone to not get a mission. He remembered how a past agent Grief wasn't sent on a single mission for five months then killed in action by some secret group of assassins working under our enemies. Love has been trying to crack down on these assassins but their records or any info on them is no where to be found. To Love, there's more to this then we think, but the others agree that our enemies are just making sure nothing by these assassins is left behind. The only other agent who is on Loves side is Anticipation as usual. She has always agreed with Love on everything. Pity has been calling that the two will be dating within the next couple of years but everyone else says their just really close friends. Other then that, Pity doesn't really listen to what's going on within the group. Only time he hears is if Joy or someone personally tells him. Pity hates listening to clusters of conversations. To him, there just useless and unneeded. Most of all, he hates it when out of the group of people, Joy's voice is louder then the rest.

The five agents saw another door open and walked out the new agent. The agent had armor one with the color of blue. To Pity, she looks very scary. If Pity was walking down an alleyway he would not want to see her at all. The announcer turned on his mic. "Ladies and Gentlemen. We have a sparring match underway. Agents Anxiety and Hatred will be facing off against a new agent. This is hand to hand combat only. Any use of a weapon of any sort will disqualify you from the spar and you will be having a huge debriefing of what you did wrong. Are both sides okay with that?" Pity looked down to Hatred and Anxiety. Both girls nodded and smirked. On the other side, the new agent kept a straight face and nodded. The mic turned back on. "Well let's get this spar underway! 3,2,1, throw down time!" The announcer yelled. Pity smirked, he suddenly became excited about this match. The new agent looked so calm while the other two were pumping each other up and showing how excited they were. To Pity, this spar was gonna be good. In fact, this spar could possibly be compared to Louis verses Hope or even Love verses Trust.

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