Chapter 1: Love

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"So, why do we get watch again?", A soldier asked another. The two were walking back and forth. The other soldier sighed. "Look, our job is to make sure these assassins don't get in. They've been starting trouble for some time now." The soldier thought about it for a moment and then nodded. "I guess that makes sense, but if their assassins, then couldn't they just kill us without us knowing?" A shadow figure leaped behind them. "Heh, you were right about one thing. Killing you two is easy." He pulled out two daggers from his belt. "Oh, crap." The soldier said. The shadow thrusted his daggers into the soldiers necks. The two fell to the floor, lifeless. The shadow figure took off his hood, showing a long green haired teen.

He heard his radio buzz. "Love? You in yet?" Love sighed. He buzzed back. "This is agent Love. I'm in now, had to deal with two guards." He sighed, he turned to the door and looked to the lock. He typed in the access code and heard a click and a green light over the lock. His radio buzzed again. "Good. Inside the building there's a whole squad of them." Love slowly opened the door and buzzed on his radio. "Alright, so which room are they in, Trust?" He scanned the first room he entered. He walked in and closed the door. His radio buzzed. "They are directly under you. The room with the artifact. There's a meeting going on dedicated to it." Trust said. He buzzed back. "Agent Trust, get Agent Envy in there. I'm gonna put the place on lockdown and in darkness. Be ready to move to help Envy and reach the evac. Agent Disgust will be there for pickup." He heard footsteps and scurried to the door, leaning against the wall next to the door. His radio buzzed. "Roger that Love." He heard Trust turn off his radio. Love pulled out his sword. He took a deep breath. Even though so far this mission has been easy, he just has a feeling that something is wrong with this whole thing. They've never had it this easy during a mission like this. Especially since the artifact they are after is very important to them.

He slowly opened the door and peeked through. He saw a single soldier leaning against the wall reading a book. Love smirked. He loved it when soldiers are caught doing stupid things, he knew this was his chance to have a little bit of fun. He barged through the door. The soldier threw the book to the ground. "I'm sor-....Wait, who are you?" He asked. Love laughed at the soldier, in return the soldier gave him a confused look. "Me? You don't know who I am?" Love looked at the soldier's rank. "Wow private, you don't know a general when you see one?" The soldier went into a stance, saluting Love. "I am so sorry General. I didn't know you were visiting on such short notice." The soldier was shaking. Love laughed. "At ease. It's okay really. I wasn't expecting anyone to know I was here." The soldier laughed nervously. "Oh, alright sir. Is there anything you need?" He asked, shaking. Love sighed. A private of all soldiers is nervous? He examined how badly he's shaking. If Love striked now, the kid wouldn't be able to react at all. It's sad really.

"Ugh sir?" The soldier asked quickly. "No. Nothing at all, but you can show me the way to that artifact." Love said smirking. The soldier only nodded and signaled Love to follow him. Love followed him through a door and to a flight of stairs. "This base is greatly protected. We do alot of work here." The soldier said. "I can see that." Love said as the two went down the stairs. They walked up to a door. "Most guards are in the mess hall at the moment. So you won't be bothered by the others." Love was happy about what he heard. "Excellent, those puny under ranked soldiers will only get in the way. You are actually helpful." The soldier looked shocked. "Me, helpful?" Love nodded. "Wow, I feel very honor-!" The soldier fell to the ground with a dagger in his forehead. "Thanks for your service, Private. I rate your help as satisfactory. I'll be sure to give you a raise. You should feel honored. I didn't kill you immediately." Love walked over to the body. He grabbed the Privates ID card and then pulled his dagger out.

He buzzed in. "Trust, I'm at the room containing the artifact. Be ready to move." A few moments later his radio buzzed. "Got it. Warning the others now." Love examined the door. Hs put his ear to the door and listened. He smirked. He reached to his belt and pulled out a small package looking object. It looked hand made and it was a bit heavy in Lubbocks hands. "Well, let's hope Ryan didn't mess up making this." Love remembered the first time he got given a bomb by Ryan. Ryan had messed up some of the wiring and almost got Lubbock killed. He was so mad at Ryan. But because of that, Raven cuddled him from being injured. That was one of the best nights Love ever had. He loves Raven so much. He shook his head. "Focus Love. Mission always comes first then Raven." He placed it onto the door. The bomb stuck well to the door and Love sighed in relief that the bomb hasn't exploded while he was close to it. He buzzed in. "Get ready team. We're about to have some fireworks, followed by a party."

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