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My eyes widened at Ashley's statement before I began sprinting off down the hallways. I was headed to the medical room where Mrs White would hopefully be.

Gosh, she must had been so scared. Why would anyone want to attack Mrs White? She was the most sweetest lady in the school.

"Mrs White!" I called out once nearing the medical room. "Mrs White, are you here?"

Once stepping into the room, I instantly ran to her and wrapped her up in a hug. Tears began to build up into my eyes fast at the sight of her. She had a huge scratch on her forehead and a bluish greenish bruise on her chin.

"Oh child, don't fret. I'm ok," she chuckled joyfully. "It was just a bit of a fright that's all."

"I'm so glad you're ok," I mumbled into her hair, letting a few tears drop from my eyes. "Mrs White, I was so worried."

Pulling away, Mrs White frowned before saying, "Sweetie, don't worry about me. I'm just an old woman with three children and a husband."

"But Mrs White, you're like a mother figure in my life. I couldn't not worry about you," I sniffed, wiping my eyes and hugging her once again.

Stroking my hair back, she whispered faintly, "And proud to be."

I shedded a few more tears but they just got replaced with brand new ones. Mrs White had supported me for ages and I never got to thank her so I decided it was the right time to do it.

"Thank you," I beamed, looking up at her like a lost puppy.

"Always sweetie," she nodded, flicking my nose. "Always."

I was sitting outside in the fresh afternoon breeze with just a cardigan to keep me warm. My skirt flowed in the wind and luckily it had just enough fabric to cover my legs. My brown hair floated in the air as my weary eyes started filling with tears.

I needed to let it go but I couldn't. They were my family. No-one could forget a close friend or a family member.

Watching the long grass blow in the wind, I picked a daisy from the ground and stared at it through my tears. The tears gave a blurry effect to it.

Noticing a small red lady bird with little specks of black on the wings, I observed how it crawled up the stem of the flower. I smiled briefly before placing it down on the ground carefully. I didn't want to cause any emotional trauma to the lady bird's family if they got squished.

Popping my ear phones into my ears, I closed my eyes and mouthed to the lyrics. It was like the music was blocking out my worries, my past, my everything. Nothing made sense anymore. It was like being dragged, at night, into an unknown direction.

Throughout it, all I could think of was if my mum and dad were still proud of me. Did they back up every choice I made in life? It wasn't fair. I wanted my mummy back. I wanted my daddy back. I was empty without them.

I had got a phone call back about my interview and I had got the job. It was such a surprise but there was a problem. I needed permission from a parent or guardian to say if it was ok to do it. I was under eighteen so I needed a parent's permission.

I wouldn't be soon though so it wouldn't matter if I forged it, right? Shaking my head, I let the voluntary tears fall. My hands were trembling in anger.

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