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Peeling my eyes away from my book, I stared at the door patiently.

It had been a few months since my dad had left to go find them and I hadn't been sleeping since. He had just disappeared and all I had left of him was his dirty clothes and the heart necklace that he had given to me on my 12th birthday. The necklace meant more to me than anything in the world and it would always hang around my neck. Especially at a time like that.

Letting out a big sigh, I got up from my very uncomfortable position. I had sat there in that exact same spot everytime I had gotten back from my exhausting day of Sixth form.

I wasn't a big fan of school. School included speaking and interacting with people and I didn't like speaking at all. I always had trouble getting my words out and I didn't know why. I thought it was because I had great difficulty making friends when I was younger. I had trust issues, which I probably developed further.

I didn't understand how people made friends so easily like how were they that confident?

Trudging towards the lonely kitchen, I slumped my shoulders in despair. I was starting to notice the dust on the kitchen counters. It had been a while since it was last cleaned.

I just couldn't bring myself to polish it and make it look presentable because my dad used to do that. Dusting was his job and tidying was mine.

Once I had got all of the ingredients I needed to make myself some pasta bake, I heated up the oven and started preparing my scrumptious dish.

I was used to being on my own. My dad always went out with his mates. Mainly to the pub or the club. If drinking wasn't involved, he wouldn't go. Just goes to show what my dad was like. What type of person he really and truly was.

My mum...well that was a story for another day. Let's just say she wasn't here and she didn't choose not to be.

Taking the delicious looking pasta out of the oven, I breathed in the mouth-watering scent. It looked fantastic.

Exactly how my mother's would look. That made me proud, knowing that she would appreciate me preparing her favourite dish. I wish she was here to smile down at me and kiss my forehead when ever I was scared or worried but that just wasn't how life worked.


"Come on, work you stupid piece of junk!" I yelled at the car, kicking the car's door which may had added to the many more dents that had been made in the past.

Getting a hand-me down car from my parents wasn't the best idea. The car was as awful as a 20 year old laptop. It took ages to start and it was as bashed up as a scrunched fizzy drink can.

"Please work because if you don't I will have to speak to a repair company and I hate speaking to people," I whispered to the car, laying my forehead on the cold metal. "So if you would like to help a poor girl out then FREAKING START ALREADY!"

Just as I was about to make another complaint, a deep boisterous chuckle came from behind me.

Jumping around in shock, I was met with amused dark piercing green eyes and floppy dark brown hair.

"I'm pretty sure speaking to the car and kicking the car door won't get it moving, you know," he smirked, watching as I stared at him in bewilderment.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when I recognised the facial structure and the whole image of his that he was portraying. It was the one and only-

"Mason Daniels," he nodded, inching further towards me.

"I-I d-don't care?" I stammered, my eyes suddenly widening as the realisation of what I had said hit me.

He didn't seem the bit fazed though. To be completely honest, he had seemed a bit entertained. His eyes were filled with amusement and a lot of smugness.

Mason began walking further towards me but stopped at the driver's seat. He then glanced at the keys in the key slot and snickered under his breath, "It would help a lot if you had actually put the right keys in."

"W-What?" I gasped in a horrified tone. "I did!"

Mason snatched my bag off of me before I could shout 'hey' and rummaged through it for another set of keys. He seemed to have stopped rummaging after a few seconds and that had me curious.

"Wow cool photos," he grinned widely but stopped once he looked at another photo. "Is that you at Santa's Grotto?"

I could practically feel the annoying aura he carried around with him and I knew instantly why he had very little friends. Irritating git.

Once he said that, I snatched the photos off of him and glared at him furiously. I was fuming. Who on Earth looks through a woman's bag without asking?

"Stop looking through my bag!" I shouted, which surprised myself more than him.

"I was only looking through for your car keys," Mason stated, throwing his hands up in the air.

"My car key is in the car key slot," I spoke slowly, trying to contain my anger that was about to explode from me any minute.

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is, I know it-"

I was cut off by the sound of a spluttering engine coming to life. Confused and shocked, I stood there stunned. It wasn't working a few minutes ago and now it was. How does that work?

A grinning Mason stood tall and proud with his green eyes sparkling in delight.

"Catch!" He yelled as keys came flying at my face.

With me being as skillful as I was, I couldn't catch it in time and the sharp edge of the key ended up bouncing off of my flared nose.

"Ow," I yelled in pain, spinning around to face Mason as he walked off.

"See you on Monday, Craze," he boomed, walking off in a style that no-one could even try copy and look as good as he did.

What a great Friday afternoon. I mean I thought school was a pain but him. Oh no. He was on a whole other level.

How was that my friends? Personally I think it was ok. I might as well inflate my own ego as no-one else would do it for me. But anyway, did you like it? Please tell me in the comments and remember to vote. I will see you my lovelies soon xx
Gem Gems

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