Chapter 37

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"How do you plan to do that?" Leo asked, voicing our question.

"I'm going to take a small group with me." He said, "I believe he is in the capital."

"Alright, when do we leave?" Leo asked.

"I'm not taking you." Dominic sighed.

"Why not?" Leo frowned.

"You draw too much attention." Dominic shrugged.

"Can't really argue with that." Leo shook his head dramatically, "never thought my good looks would hinder me."

"So who will you go with?" I asked.

"Dahar and a few soldiers." He answered.

"Will that be enough?" Leo questioned, "you don't know who you're dealing with."

"It'll be fine." Dominic said, "I know Torus. He is way too arrogant to bring back up."

"What makes you think he is in the capital?" asked Jace.

"If he is the one that conspired to set my Aunt free, he can not be too far." Dominic said, "whoever escaped from the palace has to lead us straight to him."

"Then why didn't you follow the woman?" I frowned.

"It would've drawn too much attention." Dominic said, "I need them to feel like they pulled one over me."

"But what if they escape? Did you ask anyone to follow her?" I was worried.

"They won't escape." He answered calmly, "they will retreat to their hideout. I sent someone to track her."

"How do you know that?" I huffed, "what if they just run away? What if they leave the capital immediately?"

"They can't run in broad daylight." Dominic pointed out, "All of Isolde is on alert. Torus is a criminal and he wouldn't risk exposure. He is hiding and he is somewhere in the capital."

"For now." Leo said.

"Yes." Dominic nodded, "for now. But that doesn't mean he won't leave. We have until night time to find out his hiding spot and end him."

"You're betting everything on sent." Jace spoke up, "you must really trust them."

"I do." Dominic chuckled, "she dislikes Torus almost as much as I do."

She ?

For a moment I felt a pang of jealousy.

Stop being irrational.

I smoothened my expression when I realised that I was scowling.

"No you didn't." Leo gasped.

"What?" Dominic raised an eyebrow.

"You sent Maria !" Leo frowned.

"I did." Dominic confirmed.

That made me feel better for reasons that were completely selfish. My ease turned to worry instantly when I realised that Maria could be in danger. I also knew that Dominic would never risk sending her if she couldn't handle it. We all knew how capable she was.

The Thread Of FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora