Chapter 29

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"You just came back." I frowned at him.

It had only been one day since his return and he wanted to attack another kingdom already.

"Yes but the south is weak right now." He explained, "now is the time to strike, before they can form a mutual alliance."

"You haven't even healed completely." I pointed out, "wait for a few days, Dominic."

"She is right." Leo backed me up, "Besides, Praha hasn't settled completely. We need to secure the borders first. The last thing we need is to lose the territory."

"The civilians were more than happy that Isolde took over." Dominic argued, "The people of Praha have been victims of other southern kingdoms for years now. I know for a fact that they won't rebel against us. The only threat we are facing are other kingdoms of the south."

"You have not healed." I stressed every word.

"Hara said it will only take a day or two now." He brushed it off with ease.

"Which one do you want to go after this time ?" Leo sighed.

"Leo!" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Chileria." Dominic answered.

"Absolutely not." Leo refused, "it is right next to Deska."

I thought about the name for a moment. Deska sounded familiar.

"That is the whole point of it." Dominic rolled his eyes, "once Hara finds an antidote, we can take it out as well. I am positive that Nish is hiding there."


"If Hara finds the antidote." Leo stressed the 'if', "and if she doesn't, conquering Chileria so early would be a waste of our time."

"Antidote?" I asked.

"Against their venom." Leo answered. When I gave him a confused look he asked, "Kios?"

Then I remembered. The man that had tried to kill Dominic. The man that could control snakes and had poison in his bite. Dominic probably wanted Hara to find an antidote to make sure that his men were immune.

"She has already left for Klim." Dominic said to Leo who looked surprised.

"Is Cleo back?" He frowned to which Dominic nodded.

I knew that Cleo was Hara's daughter. What I didn't know was where Hara went and why.

"What is Klim? Why did Hara go there?" I asked.

"You need a lesson in geography." Dominic sighed, "Tonight."

"You say that every time." I narrowed my eyes, "but you never teach me anything."

"Tonight." He repeated and I rolled my eyes.

"Can we at least wait for a week?" Leo was rubbing his temples.

"And ask Ralia for help this time." I frowned, "otherwise I'm not letting you go."

"I will ask for Ralia's help when I attack Deska." Dominic said, "right now, I don't need it."

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