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Sex. Another form of addiction. Another source of stimulation. Like drugs, nothing, or no one, was off limits.
I lost my virginity to the neighborhood hootchie on my 14th birthday. She was my girlfriend for a while after that. We had sex anywhere. In the woods, new homes being constructed in our neighborhood, at her house with her parents in the next room, and front of friends at parties, where she was babysitting, anywhere. If I had three minutes before my mother pick me up we would bang it out and usually finish. Give me a break, I was only 14. During the time we were going out she also got pregnant and had an abortion. I didn't believe her when she told me so I called her mom and her mom confirm this, yelled at me for a minute, and hung up the phone. The father could've been one of probably 5 to 10 guys. But seeing that she was my girlfriend, I went on the assumption that she was having sex with me the most. I hope so anyway. Moving on.
There have been a couple of virginities I have claimed. There have been some second time as I have indulged in. And many who were too easy they had obviously done it before. If I were going to guess how many women I've had sex with I'm thinking between 25 and 50. I'd like to think it's on the higher side of that but if I were to sit down and start counting and probably be closer to the lower number, but who's counting? That might not seem like a huge number to some, and when I think of the quality and some situations involved in some of these escapades, most would probably find reproachful.
Believe me, I'm nothing great to look at, and I definitely have many defects of character, but I've done okay with the opposite sex. Women have told me everything from my persistence to my mysteriousness, to being so damn charming and cute. Cute what the fuck am I? A freaking puppy. Whatever they still had sex with this puppy.
Anyway, let me start at the bottom. I spent my share of dollar bills at strip clubs. Some places that frequented have been really grimy, too. The kind where dancers with snort lines off your table while they sat on your lap. Where table dances weren't dances at all but seems out of low-budget porn. You can get anything you want and places like that, and for pretty reasonable prices. Because of that, a so-called classy club bores me. There's no action there. There's nothing in there that provides much stimulation. Ordinary bores me. Overpriced amuses me.
Prostitutes. There's something raunchy and raw about hookers. The few I've had are not gorgeous high-priced call girls. To me that's a waste of money. Granted of skin the ads frequently for $100 and up in our escorts, but that was for laughs. What loser pays that kind of money for sex? Must be nice to have money to burn like that. Me, I'm more of the two dollar crack whore on the corner, pull into a parking lot, and bang out a quickie in the passenger seat. When you're more worried about catching an STD than getting caught. Now, you're speaking my language.
One night stands can be exciting. Sex is always exciting for the first time with someone new, even though it's all the same. Nothing changes but the face. Still, it's like test driving a new car. One might handle a little different on the ride, but you still get from point A to point B. I've hooked up some one night stands on vacation, and a few parties, a girl or two from class, coworkers sisters (twice), customers from work, patients from work, the girl at Dunkin' Donuts, couple times at rehab, picked up girls walking on the street (one was married and two others stand out in particular,. There's probably more, you get the idea.
Porn. My sexual appetite is pretty insatiable. Even when I'm in relationships, I find time for porn. Now, I don't watch porn for hours on end or spend money or give credit card information to these pay-per-view or membership websites. Those people are losers. There's an abundance of free porn for every fetish category and honestly, how much porn can one watch. The sites I prefer give smaller trailers of Jesse important stuff. That way I can have a little variety while I take care of business for 10 minutes or so. Hello my kidding, 10 minutes if I'm lucky. There really is some sick shit on the Internet. Not to say that I get off on all of these things, but I can't deny the fact that I've probably looked at most of it. It almost feels like driving by a train accident that had a school bus. You don't want to see the blood in the guts of innocent children, but you can't not look at the carnage. Well, that's a bad example, I do find a hint of curious satisfaction and some of this sick shit almost to a comical fascination rather then and erotic pleasure. The stuff I'm talking about is not like tranny sex or midget porn. No, I'm talking way weirder then that. Way sicker.
There's animal sex. Not like the kind you see a National Geographic. I'm talking horses fucking women. That's got to hurt? A guy standing on a stool fucking a horse. I wonder if the horse can even feel him. Girls sucking off dogs and horses. Dogs fucking women. Granny sex. The older the berry the sweeter the juice right? Golden showers. His strengthening. Shit eating. Inhaling fights with straws. Amputee sex. Period sex. Virgin sex. Young sex. Younger sex. I even saw a guy having sex with ummmhhh, how should I say this, a mentally challenged girl. Granted, I think she wasn't really handicapped, just acting, but still, who comes up with this shit? Taking a glimpse at it is one thing, getting off to it is completely different, isn't it? I even wondered what it would be like to work in a morgue, however, I haven't found any good necrophilia websites yet. Just kidding. Kind of. LOL. Shit, I can't put that in there. No wonder why no one likes me.

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