Chapter 13

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Jax smiled. "You two like to wear necklaces?"

The two men looked at one another and softly laughed. Jax looked at Dani, whose eyes were still closed. She was singing a song to herself about dancing, oblivious to the danger outside of the car.

The two men slowly circled around the vehicle, "There won't be any trouble if you give us your money and her jewelry. Just think of it as a second cover charge."

Jax shook his head, remembering the man at the door that complimented Dani's necklace, "So you all working on this together? Did you all break the cameras too?"

"Look at him," one of the men pointed. "He must've been the valedictorian of his class or something."

"Shut up and give us what we want," the other gang member said, his eyes looking around for possible witnesses.

"And if I don't?" Jax asked.

"You and your girl will lose more than your money."

Jax was eyeing their hands. If they had weapons, they probably would've shown them by now. Because of their operation, the cameras in the bar were useless. Because of them, the Maestro's identity was still a secret.

"I think we're gonna have to play rough with him," one of the men said. "I get to play with the girl first."

Jax sprang into action. He quickly kicked one of the men in the groin while lambasting the other with a left hook followed by a right uppercut. One of them was able to land a punch before he pulled out his cuffs to link them together. They fought him but Jax pushed them both to the ground. A few men that were leaving the bar ran to help Jax. Minutes later, the police arrived, along with Roberto Montoya.

"I can't let you go anywhere, can I?" Roberto asked, shaking his head.

Jax rubbed his cheek which was a little bruised from being hit.

"You need an ice pack?" Roberto asked.

"Nah. It was just a lucky punch."

"Unlucky for you. So you came here with the waitress?" Roberto pointed to Jax's car. Despite the noise and lights, Dani was still asleep.

"We didn't come here together. Not really. We sort of just met while we were both here," Jax explained.

"Right, and I'm Santa. Whatever you say," his partner looked at the crowd that was surrounding them. "So did you find out anything about Remy Kress?"

"She was here but the bartender didn't see anything. The cameras here are broken so there's no footage of who was in or out that night. I asked a waitress about her but she didn't recognize her."

"Again with the broken cameras? The criminals aren't making this easy, are they? I'll hang out here after you leave and ask a few more people if they recognize her," Roberto said. "You take your date home."

"She's not my date."

"Sure looks that way to me," Roberto patted Jax on the shoulder before making his way towards the bar.

Jax tapped the glass of the window but Dani didn't budge. He gave a mocking laugh, "You're a strange woman, Panda Eyes."

"Stop it. Please Derek...I said I was sorry," the familiar voice echoed in the darkness.

"Shut the hell up. I told you time and time again. You never listen!"

Billy struggled in Derek's strong grasp, unable to break free. His feet dug into the ground, trying to form some traction to slow Derek down. Billy gasped, trying to breathe.

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