Chapter 8

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Tammy Owens peered over Billy's shoulder to look at his notebook. Morning sickness had caused her to miss her last forensic psychology class.

"Did you need to copy my notes?" Billy asked, pushing his notebook towards her.

"Please and thank you," Tammy whispered as she greedily took his work.

"No problem. I hope your baby's father knows how hard you're working right now," Billy said, adjusting his red glasses. "Are you sure you don't want to tell me who it is? Anyone I know?"

For the past two months, Billy had been asking for clues about Tammy's boyfriend. Tammy had kept mum. If she was being honest, she would have loved to share details but her boyfriend made her promise to keep their relationship a secret.

"Is he married?" Billy asked.

"No, he's not married."

"An illegal alien?"



"Of course not!" Tammy laughed.

"Then what's with all the secrecy?"

"Fine, I'll give you a hint. He's very...musical."

Billy rolled his eyes, "That's not a hint. Anyone and everyone can be musical these days."

"Not true. I'm not musical. I can't even whistle."

"True," Billy chuckled. "I just want a hint, Tammy."

Tammy playfully nudged her classmate. They weren't good friends but Billy was sweet and always willing to help her out. "Too bad because that's all I'm saying."

"Just as long as he's not some crazy serial killer," Billy muttered.

"I think I'd know if I was dating a murderer."

"That's what they all say," Billy said, "until they end up on some Lifetime show about not knowing how they were married to a serial killer."

"Don't worry. The man I love isn't a bad guy," Tammy said. "I trust him."

Billy didn't press the issue but it was hard to believe that a good man would want her to keep their relationship a secret.

Later that day, Billy was at his apartment with Derek, who was scrolling through a local events calendar on his phone.

"Have you ever heard of a band called The Booty Pirates?" Derek asked.

Billy laughed, "What did you say their name was?"

"The Booty Pirates. They're playing tonight at some club called The Pony House. Did you want to go?"

Billy nodded while texting someone on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" Derek asked.

Billy shrugged.

"Is it that creepy girl next door?"

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"Yeah right," Derek muttered. "It's Thursday. I'm going to throw out the trash."

Derek was outside when he saw Dani. She had just finished tossing a bag of trash in the dumpster when she spotted him.

"What? No hello for your neighbor?" Derek taunted.

Dani refused to be baited, "Hello."

"Don't bother pretending to be nice. I know how you feel about me."

Dani didn't want to argue with her neighbor. She started to make her way back to the building when Derek called out her name.

"What do you want, Derek?"

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