Chapter 17

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"Is someone in here?" Derek asked again. "You've been here before haven't you? Last time you touched my books. This time you made a mess in the bathroom, right? Hello?"

Dani's hand clamped around her cell phone. She briefly wondered if she could use a hanger as a weapon. I'll poke him in the eyes so he can't see me and then take off running!

"I thought it was just my imagination but this is twice now," he said.

She heard the door handle squeak as Derek began to twist it open. Her mouth felt dry and she could feel the blood rushing to her head in response to her fight or flight instincts.

A loud banging coming from far away startled her.

"What now?" Derek muttered as they both heard a male voice yelling from the main hall outside the apartment.

"This is the police. Open up!"

The door handle was forgotten and Dani was able to take a sigh of relief. She heard Derek shout, "Coming! Hold onto your horses, I'm coming!"

Not wanting to stay trapped in the closet, Dani quickly escaped and tip-toed to the hall where she saw Detective Jax Michaels questioning Derek.

"Can I help you?" Derek asked, glancing at the time on his phone.

"I'm Detective Michaels. I'm here to ask you about your roommate Billy. He's been reported missing," Jax said as he spotted Dani inside Derek's apartment. His eyes widened for a second before he brought them back to Derek's face.

"Missing? Is this some kind of joke? He went out of town to visit his parents. He'll be back in a few days," Derek said easily.

"Is that so?" Jax gave a lazy smile. "Then why is he not answering his cell phone?"

"Who reported him missing? Was it that nosy freak next door? She's so weird. I can't believe anyone can just file a police report. If you want to know the truth, something's seriously wrong with her. I think she takes crazy pills or something."

Jax flashed his pearly whites and leaned in saying loud enough for Dani to hear, "Just between you and me...I agree. The reporter seemed like she was missing a few marbles."

"So why are the police still pursuing this?" Derek demanded to know.

"Because even if a total nutcase makes a report, we're obligated to follow up. Since we haven't been able to make contact with your friend...I can't just close this case," Jax answered.

"Not even if I give you my word?"

Jax gave a rueful expression, "I'm afraid not."

"The truth is that his phone broke and he can't afford a new one. Billy has been going through a lot lately. He went back home to talk to his parents about maybe giving him a loan. He goes to school and the tuition is expensive."

"He doesn't work?"

"Only part-time. I pay the bills around here," Derek boasted. "Listen, I have to be somewhere. Is this going to take much longer?"

Jax took a step back, "Am I holding you up? By all means, please go ahead and go."

Dani quickly tried to hide again, but bumped into a bookshelf. She let out a small gasp that was almost inaudible but Derek started to turn around to see if something was going on behind him.

"Or," Jax said to get Derek's attention, "I can walk with you to your appointment. You said you had somewhere else to be."

Derek turned back to Jax, "Sorry, that's not a good idea. I'm really in a rush."

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