BONUS - Big game (part 2)

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Four hours later, I wake up after my lovely nap, feeling like a new person. I over exaggerated, Melanie does have a influence on me. I get to the school gates, speaking to someone from the reception over the speaker, "Hi, I'm one of the players from the football team, care to let me in?" I informally say, even though I know I shouldn't be rude cause it was probably one of the teachers and knowing them, they won't hesitate in giving me a detention a week before we break up for summer holidays.

After about three seconds, I hear the gate buzzing, telling me to open it up and get inside. I meet my team on the pitch, but most of them are still on their way since the only people who are here is me, Peter Smith, Henry Cordell, Luciano Ramirez and Levi Davies.

For things like these, meaning football matches, and things that actually matter to me, I always arrive super early because not only does it make a good impression, which I certainly need to make today, but it also helps me prepare, get into my football-winning mind set.

I walk up to the four guys, seeing them stretch out so I instantly join. You'd think that after what coach O'Connor has put us through in the morning, I'd be tired and my body would be aching, but it kinda did the opposite, it helped me relax actually. And after I took my nap, I felt like I could honestly win the game and show there bastards how it's played.

Especially Jonathan Adams.

He's the quaterback for the East High Hawks. The ones who beat us by a single point last year. I'd love to take that annoying little smug off his face by holding up the gold trophy right before his very own eyes, without letting him touch it.

"You okay, bro?" Luciano and I fist bump and I give him a very confident nod, "Yeah, you?" I ask in return and he just smiles at me, "We're gonna take them down today, that is a promise"

"I know we will, I feel it coming" both him and I exchange a few looks before starting to laugh.

Luciano is a cool guy, I used to be close to him once. That was until I slept with his younger sister. I don't think he minds any more, cause it happened ages ago, but I can say that it definitely changed our friendship. He's probably put it behind him but never forgot, just like it kinda happened with me.

In about ten minutes, everyone arrives including coach O'Connor and we all do a group warm up. A physical one that we like to call pass the ball. It consists off players running around in as many different directions as possible and passing the ball around without stopping. As the warm up goes on, the coach starts throwing in more balls to make it harder for us and eventually he starts giving us different tempo's.

It's a little exercise that we do before any game, it helps our cardio, increasing our heart rate, putting us into the playing mind set. It helps with our technique and skills, it involves team work and a lot of eye contact and definitely spacial awareness.

After we do our physical warm up, we go onto doing a mental warm up we simply like to call a counting exercise. It helps with trust and teamwork for sure, our coach always says that not only do you have to be physically on the field but mentally as well, so that's what we're doing right now. The aim of this game is to count to ten and then back down. It's a concentration game. Sounds easy, but isn't

As soon as the coach claps his hands together we form a circle. Everyone is looking down into the field because every time we do this we make each other laugh, especially Johnny, the clown of the team. I always feel like I'm in a drama club or something when doing this, not a nice thought.

"You can start whenever" O'Connor tells us.

"One!" me and Johnny say at the same time.

"Come on boys, focus!" the coach shouts and I look at Johnny who's standing opposite me, giggling.

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