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Monday. The day that everyone despises from the bottom of their hearts. Monday is like the guy sitting at the back of the room that nobody likes and wants them to go away but unfortunately he's still there *cough* Tom. Monday is like a slap in your face greeting you to a new week that you didn't want to start. 

I hate Mondays, am probably not the only one, but I really do. The whole day drags and takes longer to finish then the other days, like weekends for example, why are they so short?

Arriving to school I see three school buses one for each grade, waiting to leave the parking lot. I almost forgot to mention, today we're going on a school trip to the local museum, should be fun. Not.

I make my way to the bus as Miss Williams greets me with a nod and ticks me off the register. Walking down the isle of seats I spot Melanie with her friend Alicia so I decide to sit in front of them, I look back to see Melanie gazing at me so I shoot her a wide smile showing my white teeth and send her a wink as she starts to lightly blush. I chuckle to myself, still chewing on my gum loudly.

"Hey Dylan" I look away to see Tasha in a pink crop top and a pink mini skirt, revealing her belly piercing, "I'm sitting with you" I raise my eyebrow at her and sigh, "I'm saving-"

"That wasn't a question" she cuts me off and states once more.

"Oh-kay... feel free to sit" She sits next to me, crosses her legs over and leans her back and her head on my shoulders, starting to read a magazine. My eyes scan down her legs to the tip of her feet as I lick my bottom lip and smirk.

"Whatcha reading?" I shift the to side a bit so that her head is on my chest and not on my shoulder.

"You know, some girly bullshit"

I scoff, "sounds like you"


The rest of the journey I was silent and on my phone, Michael was sitting with Johnny and of course Johnny had all the attention to himself because he's the joker right? The whole bus is laughing at how hilarious he is, while Michael was busy flirting with two blondes behind him.

"This is boring" Tasha grunts and closes her magazine throwing it behind her. She crawls on top of me pressing me against the window as her lips end up on mine and I kiss back, her mini skirt is lifting itself up as she presses herself closer to me and hungrily kisses me.

"Wheeler. Cooper. Off of each other! This isn't a teenage party but a school trip" Miss Williams interrupts us by shouting at us, crossing her arms in front making sure we've stopped. "Gigi, swap places" she commands. What's the difference between making me sit with Tasha or her best friend? Or any girl at this point?

"Oh hey Tash. Bye Tash" she waves at her when she realises she's swapping seats with her "Hey Dylan" she says with a slight seductive tone in her voice, I smirk and wink as she blushes a tiny bit.

"So um, you and Tasha are back together?" she breaks the silence, "No." I answer without hesitation. She just nods her head and the tutors start releasing us out of the bus row by row. When everyone was off the bus, Miss Williams told us to meet her back here at three pm.

Me and the boys separate from the rest of the group and decide to go our own way, of course it was Johnny's idea because once again, he is the trouble maker and he's never changing, that we know of. Instead of looking at stupid and boring pictures that someone drew in the 1920's we decide to visit the theme park which is just across the street.

On our way out of the museum, Michael stops me and we both turn around to see Melanie and her friend Alicia spying on us, I sigh and give him a sign to give us a minute. I walk down the corridor to see Melanie leaning against the wall. "What are you doing?"

Nerdy Girl Is Not So Nerdy [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now