Chapter 7 The guy of/from my dreams

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 Juliette POV

Two dozen MUMIA RIDERS gallop through. FIRING RIFLES. Several Diggers are killed as they run. The Americans leap out of their tents firing guns and killing multiple Riders. Daniels is shot, spins and falls, but keeps SHOOTING. Henderson and Burns run to his aid, BLASTING AWAY.

And here am I, standing in the middle of the battlefield, guns blasting. away next to my head. As I take off towards the screaming voice of my brother who keeps yelling: O'CONNELL. 

When I arrive, I see Rick standing right before a man dressed in black with brown hair. As I make my way towards them, the other Mumia begin to whisper and part ways for me.

When I reach Rick, I take the fuse out of his hold and blow it out. 

JULIETTE Stop it! This already is a burial place we do not need more death! Look at the poor animals.

ARDETH BAY She is right! We will shed no more blood, but you must leave!.. LEAVE THIS PLACE OR DIE! You have one day.

The man turns around and leaves us. The remaining Mumia bow to me before they race after him, vanishing into the night.

Rick turns around, to find Evy lying on the ground. He gently takes her and holds her close.

O'CONNELL You alright? 

Evelyn looks up into his strong eyes. It's the first time he's shown genuine concern for her. And she likes it. He's also holding her a little too close. And she likes that too.

EVELYN Yes, ...fine, ...thank you.

Awww. They are having a moment. Well, it's time for me to go. I take a few horses and lead them to a quiet place. 

As I finally make it to a 'safe place' I start to clean the wounds of a female horse. When I start to hear something or rather someone coming from behind me. Without turning around I know, that it can only be a stranger. How do I know that? Well:

Rick- with Evy

Evy - with Rick

Jonathan -  with alcohol

and the other diggers don't know me enough to visit me, after all, they will stick together, since they are scared, that the mumia will come again. So it can only be a mumia.

JULIETTE: Hello, why are you here?

ADRETH: I came to make sure, you weren't hurt.

JULIETTE: But why? You were attacking us and now your worried. I don't get you! I don't even get this trip. And I want to know Amon!

ADRETH: Why did you call me Amon? How do you know who Amon is? Have you regained your memories Nephthys?

JULIETTE: How do you know my second name? I want answers!

ADRETH: We are reincarnations of warriors, who lived at the same time as Pharao Seti the first. Your past life was the Princess of the Medji or how most people know; Mumia. Nephthys and Amon were engaged two years after they first laid their eyes on each other. After Seti the first died, the two of them ruled Thebes. But the died protecting their children from evil people who wanted to make them pay for killing Anck-sun-amun.

JULIETTE: So basically all your saying is, that our past lives are connected.


After that, my conversation with the handsome stranger ended. For today, because we promised each other that we would meet again tomorrow. As I finally reach the camp, I see Evy and Rick cuddling, a few feet next to them Jonathan snoring soundly.

AN :

Sorry for the short chapter

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